Update Statistics

  • Hi DBA,

    I have some question, anyone can help me to my problem,

    I have scheduled the sp_updatestats every 2 days during off peak hours around 11:15pm, but after the completed process, my job running around 12:30am, it took long duration, but if the sp_updatestats is not runing is ok to run.

    If I scheduled the sp_updatestats on weekends every 7 days, did it will cause any impact or slowness to database?

    Anyone can help me please...


  • Hi

    It all depends on the size of your database and the amount of data that gets inserted/deleted/modified. If size of db is huge and the data modifications is also huge update stats can take a long time.

    Another reason for slowness could be other processes that are running during that time like backups etc. Check that out.

    If your data modifications are not huge you could schedule your update stats after a larger interval i.e every 7 days,15 days etc.

    "Keep Trying"

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