How to join tables on PK/FK AND t1.field1 <> t2.field1

  • Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:

    Identify rows from table1 where table1.reg_id = table2.reg_id AND the most recent status from table2 <> table1.status

    table2 is a contact history table so there can be multiple records for the same reg_id.

    I'm convinced I need a derived table or CTE to accomplish this but I can't seem to get it to give me what I want. Below is a setup script as well as the query I attempted. An example of the result from the query should be:

    reg_id status status

    ------ ------- ------

    1 2 1

    ... this tells me that the status value in table1 is no longer in sync with the most recent status value in table2.

    I'm somewhat new to the world of SQL. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    CREATE TABLE dbo.table1(

    reg_idintNOT NULL,



    CREATE TABLE dbo.table2(

    reg_idintNOT NULL,




    INSERT INTOtable1

    ( reg_id, status )











    INSERT INTOtable2

    ( reg_id, status, history_date )

    SELECT1,2,'01/01/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT2,1,'01/01/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT3,1,'01/03/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT4,2,'01/05/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT5,4,'01/05/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT1,3,'01/08/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT4,1,'01/09/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT6,2,'01/09/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT1,1,'01/11/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT5,2,'01/11/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT8,1,'01/13/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT8,2,'01/14/2008'UNION ALL

    SELECT9,2,'01/14/2008'UNION ALL


    SELECTt1.reg_id, t1.status,


    FROMtable1 t1


    SELECTreg_id, status, MAX(history_date) AS history_date


    GROUP BYreg_id, status

    ) t2

    ONt2.reg_id = t1.reg_id

    ANDt2.status <> t1.status;

  • i think something like this will do it.

    select * from

    ( select t1.reg_id, t1.status, t2.status as prior_status, t2.history_date,

    row_number() over (partition by t2.reg_id order by t2.history_date desc ) as seq

    from table1 t1 join table2 t2 on t1.reg_id = t2.reg_id

    where t1.status != t2.status ) as x

    where x.seq = 1

    [font="Courier New"]

    reg_id status prior_status history_date seq

    1212008-01-11 00:00:001

    2312008-01-01 00:00:001

    4212008-01-09 00:00:001

    5422008-01-11 00:00:001

    8122008-01-14 00:00:001

    9122008-01-14 00:00:001


  • Something like this?

    SELECT *

    FROM Table1 T1


    (SELECT T2I.Reg_ID, Status

    FROM Table2 T2I

    INNER JOIN (SELECT Reg_ID, MAX(history_date) History_Date

    FROM Table2

    GROUP BY Reg_ID) T2D

    ON T2I.Reg_ID = T2D.Reg_ID and T2I.history_date = T2D.history_date) T2

    ON T1.Reg_id = T2.Reg_ID

    WHERE T1.Status <> T2.Status

    ORDER BY T1.Reg_ID

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

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  • Is this what you are looking for?

    ;With history (regid, status, history_date, rn)

    As (Select reg_id



    ,row_number() over(partition By reg_id Order By history_date desc)

    From #table2)

    Select *

    From history h

    Join #table1 t On t.reg_id = h.regid

    Where h.rn = 1

    And h.status <> t.status;

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Jeffrey Williams (12/3/2008)

    Is this what you are looking for?

    ;With history (regid, status, history_date, rn)

    As (Select reg_id



    ,row_number() over(partition By reg_id Order By history_date desc)

    From #table2)

    Select *

    From history h

    Join #table1 t On t.reg_id = h.regid

    Where h.rn = 1

    And h.status <> t.status;

    no row will be returned if the most recent table2.status is = table1.status. the status comparison must be done within the cte (or derived table expression).

  • antonio.collins (12/3/2008)

    Jeffrey Williams (12/3/2008)

    Is this what you are looking for?

    ;With history (regid, status, history_date, rn)

    As (Select reg_id



    ,row_number() over(partition By reg_id Order By history_date desc)

    From #table2)

    Select *

    From history h

    Join #table1 t On t.reg_id = h.regid

    Where h.rn = 1

    And h.status <> t.status;

    no row will be returned if the most recent table2.status is = table1.status. the status comparison must be done within the cte (or derived table expression).

    According to the OP

    Identify rows from table1 where table1.reg_id = table2.reg_id AND the most recent status from table2 <> table1.status

    That is exactly what he is looking for. Not sure why you think this won't work.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • i misinterpreted it and thought he wanted the the current status and the prior status (which is a requirement we often have to meet with history tables).

  • Thank you all who replied. I went with Jeffery Williams' solution as it produced the results I was looking for and was a nice use of a CTE.

  • antonio.collins (12/4/2008)

    i misinterpreted it and thought he wanted the the current status and the prior status (which is a requirement we often have to meet with history tables).

    Yeah - I can see that kind of use also.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

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