SQL Server 2005 Documentation Tools?

  • Hi,

    I am looking for a tool or package that will help me 'document' my database. The background behind this is that there is a lot of development in our databases at the moment and it is often the case where different dbas/developers are not aware what others are doing. What I need is something that will allow me to identify where else a SQL object ( a table or column or sp ....) is being referenced in the database? If I change an object I dont want to fix one problem and create two more.


    Anybody know if such a tool exists???

    Many Thanks!!!!

  • Hi Garry,

    Red Gate has several tools which will help you with this - SQL Doc  will generate documentation for you database including dependency information. SQL Dependency Tracker has the ability to generate graphs of dependencies which you can then print off or save to visualise your database wide dependency information. Finally SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare might well be worth looking at to help generate change scripts for moving objects from dev to test to production. A 14 day free trial of all of the above tools are available from our website.

    Hope this helps,

    - James

    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • Thanks for this James... I will take a look....

  • Hi,

    Apex SQL also has a great tool. Called ApexSQL Doc. http://www.apexsql.com/sql_tools_doc.asp



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