Job History logging for SSIS pkg jobs

  • I have created several SSIS packages by converting SQLServer 2000 DTS . I then scheduled jobs for the new SSIS pkgs in my new SQLServer 2005 instance.

    The jobs are running and working fine with one puzzling question for me. Most jobs create a log history that I can easily view, however, I have one job that does not create any log file for me and I cannot figure out why? I don't believe I did anything different on any of these packages and all do similar jobs - they pull data from a legacy system and put them into sql tables. There really is no special funcationality in any of the packages...

    Can someone help me? I would like to be able to monitor the time the jobs take to complete but without any logs, this isn't easy to do (unless someone knows of another way to determine how long it took a job to complete).

    Any help/direction is appreciated!



  • Have you turned on package logging (Click SSIS...Package Logging in Visual Studio) for that pacakge? I prefer to log to a SQL table rather than a file. You can create the sysdtslog90 table in your database and then set the level of logging that you require with in the Package Logging dialog.

  • No, I haven't done anything with the SSIS...Logging but I didn't have to for any of my other DTS jobs that I brought over - they just create the logs so I'm wondering why this one isn't doing that. It did the very first time I ran the job but now it no longer does??


  • Hmmmm...not sure why that might be but I would recommend that you look into SSIS package logging. It's much more robust than DTS and you can standardize logging and instrumentation across all of your packages.

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