SSRS 2005 Matrix Date Sort Issue

  • I am using the expression:

    =Iif(IsNothing(Sum(Fields!DistributionAmount.Value)), 0, Sum(Fields!DistributionAmount.Value))

    I am returning data from Jan 2005 (beginning of data in database) to present. Since there is no data for Jan 2005, I am returning 0.00 for that month. My issue is that I cannot get Jan in the first column AND 2005 in the first row.

    Here is the query:


    i.InvoiceGLDate AS 'GL Date',

    DATEPART(Year, i.InvoiceGLDate) AS 'Year',

    DATENAME(Month, i.InvoiceGLDate) AS 'Month',

    DATEPART(Month, i.InvoiceGLDate),

    ISNULL(gl.DistributionAmount, 0.00) AS 'DistributionAmount'




    a.GLAccountCodeScrunched = '100252200'

    AND ii.ItemDescription IN ('Unleaded Fuel', 'Diesel Fuel')

    ORDER BY DATEPART(Month, i.InvoiceGLDate), DATEPART(Year, i.InvoiceGLDate)

    If I use this order by clause, I get 2006, 2007, 2008, 2005 for the order of my years. If I reverse the order by clause, the years display correctly, but the month row starts with February and ends with January.

    Am I missing something simple?

    Thanks for your time!

  • Why not just order by the date instead of the datepart?

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  • I get the same results

  • Additionally, you could use a numbers/calendar table with a UNION statement or an outer join to force all of the months/years to appear regardless of if they have data or not...


    EDIT: Here's a link to Jeff's How using a numbers/tally table. In the dozens of other uses section he talks about using it to generate a list including all dates in a range with an outer join which I believe should fit your purposes nicely.

    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

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