Defragmenting Indexes

  • As I'm doing some housekeeping/monitoring of one of our databases I've noticed, using dm_db_index_physical_stats, that there is a significant amount of index fragmentation being reported on some of the branch/intermediate index nodes. The leaf leaf nodes are fine (as far as reported fragmentation goes)

    I've tried to Reorg/Rebuild the a couple of these intermediate-level index nodes (using Alter Index...) but it doesn't appear to have any substantial affect.

    Do I need to be concerned with high degrees of reported fragmentation on these branch index levels and, if so, what's the best practice (advice) for handling them?



  • what's the size of your indexes (pages) ?


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  • An example of one of the tables that I'm looking at as 2 indexes:

    index_level avg_fragmentation frag_count avg_frag_size_in_pages page_count rec_count

    idx#1 1 of 3 97.297 37 1 37 16251

    idx#2 1 of 3 94.594 74 1 74 16250


  • can you run sp_updatestistics and dbcc updateusage(0) with count_rows ?

    This should get you fresh stats ...


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