Getting started writing SQL 05 views

  • Hi everyone. Just wondering where is the best place to go to get started writing views in SQL 05. I have written a couple but would like more information on syntax for doing calculations in them. ANyone?

  • Books online is a great place to start... but not knowing the types of calculations you want to do, I can't really point you in the right direction.

    What do you have in mind at the moment?

  • Nothing complicated. I owuld like to be able to do the equivilant of dsum and dcount in access. dsum accepts a field name, table name and criteria and will return a sum of the field name. Dcount is the same idea but returns the number of records.

  • check out the sum and count functions on books online (sql sever's help files).

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM dbo.TableName

    SELECT SUM(Amount) AS GrandTotal FROM dbo.TableName

    You might also want to check out the group by and having clause as well (if you problem gets more complicated).

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