Two questions

  • 1. I would like to issue viewing jobs privilege to a user from the Enterprise Manager. What is the best approach to do it?

    2. I would like to issue execute all stored procedures to a user. What is the best approach to do it?

    Any input will be greatly appreciated.

  • You can work around SQL 2000 security by granting a user membership of TargetServerRole, or in 2005 you can utilise the SQLAgentReaderRole.

    For stored procedures you can use a GRANT statement using the type 'P' to specify procedure type objects in the sysobjects table.

    *However*, you're far more likely to get a comprehensive solution if you elucidate on the problem you are trying to fix by doing this.

  • 1. Viewing job:

    We can modify the TargetServerRole role and assign it to a user. But what if we need this role for more than one user with different privileges?

    2. Grant Execute privilege:

    Do we have to use a cursor, combining with something below to implement the task?

    GRANT EXECUTE TO userName ON storedProcedureName

  • 1 - Grant a group membership of that role, use other groups/roles for other permissions - mix and match to suit.

    2 Use a while loop and run through the sysobjects table where type = P to get all the procedures

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