Repeat Data/Group/Header on Each New Page

  • i have a report which i need to repeat the data (anywhere on the report) if it spills over 1 page.

    My report conatins a list (i must use a list for formatting purposes) on which there is a subreport. The amount of data contained in the subreport is what causes the list/report to run over mutiple pages.

    Is there anyway of displaying my id on these other pages.

    i have tried using repeat on new pages both on textboxe and Tables and both in and out of my list. THIS DOES NOT WORK.

    I would have thought that this would be a very simple operation.

    A real world example of what i am trying to do is if you had an invoice with multiple line items which spills over many pages and you would like to see the invoice number on every page.

  • Hi,

    I'm also in similar situation as of urs. What you can do is to create a group on your table and include a group header and also check the option of repeat the group header. This will repeat the headers in all the pages but the only problem with this solution is that if at all your dataset is not retrieving any data then your group headers wont reflect on your page. You will get a blank sheet. Thats the problem i'm facing. I want to get the group headers even if there is no data and not a blank page.

    I hope this was your problem.



  • brunm (7/24/2008)

    i have a report which i need to repeat the data (anywhere on the report) if it spills over 1 page.

    My report conatins a list (i must use a list for formatting purposes) on which there is a subreport. The amount of data contained in the subreport is what causes the list/report to run over mutiple pages.

    Is there anyway of displaying my id on these other pages.

    i have tried using repeat on new pages both on textboxe and Tables and both in and out of my list. THIS DOES NOT WORK.

    I would have thought that this would be a very simple operation.

    A real world example of what i am trying to do is if you had an invoice with multiple line items which spills over many pages and you would like to see the invoice number on every page.

    What if you wrote your stored proc/query to always return something?

    something like:


    CASE WHEN LEN(ColumnValue) > 0 THEN ColumnValue ELSE 'No Return' END

    FROM table

    Just a thought

    HTH some


    [font="Comic Sans MS"]toolman[/font]
    [font="Arial Narrow"]Numbers 6:24-26[/font]

  • Maybe i need to clarify the problem i have.

    i have a report which is essentially a bulk print of Invoices.

    The report contains a List which has Invoice Details on it (formatted) The list also has a subreport which contains invoices Items.

    Depending on the number of invoice items this can cause the report/List to spill over onto Mutliptle pages.

    What i would like to do is display the 'invoice Number' in either the header or the footer of each page.

    This does not seeem to be possible as you cant put data in a header or footer.

    if i reference a field or Group Table (invisible) from my list in my header or footer (i found these suggestions on the web) then my 'Invoice Number' only gets returned on the first page and not on any susbequent pages. (i think this is because the field/table i am referencing my not be on a the second/subsequent page page (ie this may just contain invoice Items)

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