how to skip part of page header when printed???

  • Hi Guys,

    Lets say I am having two text boxes in my page header side by side something like this:

    first text box contains info - My First Report

    second text box contains info - (contiued page )

    Now i want my report in such a way tht , in the first page i only want to display the first text box i.e. My First Report

    and in the rest of the pages i want to display the two text boxes.

    any clues how to do it???

    i know tht there is a option page header/page footer - true/false where we can specify tht header or footer to be printed on first page or not...

    But here i want only part of the header to be printed on first page and both parts to be printed on rest of the pages.

    Is there any option for this as well???



  • Add the following function to your report:

    Public Function showTextBox(byval pageNumber as Int32) as Boolean

    Dim showTextBox as Boolean = True

    If pageNumber =1 Then

    showTextBox = False

    End If

    Return showTextBox

    End Function

    Set the hidden visibility of the text box you want to show/hide equal to "= not code.showTextBox(Globals!PageNumber)". The above will showthe textbox on the first page but hide it on all others...

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