Backing up Database with only sql desktop engine running?

  • Hi All,

    Nooby Q and so sorry if not all information is provided or if even i am barking up the wronf tree LOL.

    I have a database on a server called Events.mdf in which an application connects to.

    This server only has SQL server 2005 core components installed.

    Management studio express is not installed. Just the SQLserver service.

    I have ran OSQL and used the following command.

    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')

    This shown the express edition was running.

    I have been asked to create a backup schedule and a way of restoring for this, but how can i do this with just the server components installed and nothing else?

    would this have to be done via T-SQL scripring and if so then how can get this to automate the job, I have thought about windows scheduling, would this be the right way to go?

    Incidently when i run the command sp_databases to see what databases are installed I

    only see the master, msdb and the tempdb

    Where is the Events.mdf databa base. ?

    Sorry i have little information but if you need me to provide anything else then please ask and i will try and find out the answers.

  • The database is probably Events. Events.mdf would be the data file for this database and there will be an Events.ldf that contains the log, both of which make up the database.

    You can script this as a "BACKUP DATABASE EVENTS TO DISK = "xxx"" command in T-SQL and then schedule it with the Windows scheduler running SQLCMD with this command.

    If it is in full recovery mode, you need to have a log backup as well. In either case, there are lots of backup scripts on this site that can help you. You could put one of those in a stored procedure and call it from SQLCMD.

  • Thanks for the quick reply.

    I do have ldf for the file Events.

    And the following :













    Would i be correct is saying that all that is installed is the SQL 2005 Database engine?

    What confuses me is that when i run sp_databases

    All i see is the master, msdb and the tempdb

    should this be all there is? i was kind of expecting the Events database to be there.

    cause surly if i run the backup command it is not going to find the database!

    The Events database file is 50mb

    i have tried a EXEC sp_attach_db

    and then ran a backup command all works fine but the backup file is only 3mb

    Think something is not right somewhere.

    Sorry if this all sound sa little think but sure i will soon get my head around it all with the help on here.


  • Having installed management studio express the database still does not appear.

    Would i be right in saying it looks like the it is just the file Events.mdf I have and this needs attaching to a database?

    I am sure nothing has been setup correctly on this server as only SQLserver service is running and no agent etc.

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