sp_MSupd_dboTablename, sp_MSins_dboTablename, sp_MSdel_dboTablename

  • We have transactional replication topology with custom stored procedures. In SQL 2000 we generated them using system sp: sp_scriptmappedupdproc, sp_scriptinsproc, sp_scriptdelproc and then modify to our needs. So our custom sp naming convention was sp_MSupd_TableName.

    I've created a new publication in SQL 2005 using Management Studio.All update/delete/insert procs names that will be called contain SCHEMA dbo, like this




    Is there any way to change this default behavior?

    Thank you!

  • Please explain what behavior you are referring to.


  • We are going to upgrade sql to 2005 from 2000. I am researching what will break (-;

    I've created a new publication for the tables in our database on SQL 2005 using MS SQL Management studio. (Transactional type, we do not run the snapshot agent.)

    The table articles have Statement Delivery for insert, update, delete automatically configured to look like sp_MSupd_dboTableName (with dbo embedded).

    There is an option to change the name of the individual proc, but not for the whole table article. The option option is disabled. Is it possible to change the default or overwrite? I tried to create publication under different users, like sysadmin, but it did not change the statement delivery naming.

    My problem is that we have custom procs for insert, update, delete. We generated them in SQL 2000 with system procs like sp_scriptmappedupdproc. The names of those procs do not have dbo schema: sp_MSupd_TableName. So when an update fires on the publisher it looks for sp_MSupd_dboTableName proc on the subscriber, but there is no such proc, only sp_MSupd_TableName.

    I am going to re-name all of our custom procs and paste them to all subscribers (5 of them), but I was wondering is there any way to tell publisher expect procs with "old" naming convention. I do not want to update sysarticles table.

    Sorry for the long posting, but I searched everywhere for the answer...

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