SQL Query

  • Hi all,

    I am trying to write a query to create the following table... excluding the duplicate rows http://www.screenshots.cc/show.php/15842_tablepic.JPG.html

    so that each player has a row for each day of the week in the db. the code below seemed to work ok until i included a second row for a player during the same week and now i have duplicate rows in the results.

    Select p.ID, IsNull(firstName+ ' ','') + IsNull(LastName,'') as Name,


    when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, available.Date) = 'Monday' then om.Name

    when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, unavailable.Date) = 'Monday' then om1.Name

    end as Mon,


    when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, available.Date) = 'Tuesday' then om.Name

    when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, unavailable.Date) = 'Tuesday' then om1.Name

    end as Tue,

    Case when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, available.Date) = 'Wednesday' then om.Name when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, unavailable.Date) = 'Wednesday' then om1.Name end as Wed,

    Case when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, available.Date) = 'Thursday' then om.Name when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, unavailable.Date) = 'Thursday' then om1.Name end as Thu,

    Case when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, available.Date) = 'Friday' then om.Name when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, unavailable.Date) = 'Friday' then om1.Name end as Fri,

    Case when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, available.Date) = 'Saturday' then om.Name when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, unavailable.Date) = 'Saturday' then om1.Name end as Sat,

    Case when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, available.Date) = 'Sunday' then om.Name when DATENAME(WEEKDAY, unavailable.Date) = 'Sunday' then om1.Name end as Sun

    From Person p

    Join SquadPlayerMapping spm on spm.PlayerId = p.ID

    Join SquadMainPlayers smp on smp.PlayerID = p.ID And smp.SeasonID = 148

    Join Seasons sea on sea.ID = smp.SeasonID

    Join RedZoneWeeklyMapping rzwm on rzwm.ID = 139

    Left Join DailyPlayerAvailability available on available.PlayerID = p.ID And available.Date Between rzwm.StartDate And rzwm.EndDate

    Left Join OptionsMapping om on om.ID = available.ReasonID

    Left Join DailyPlayerunAvailability unavailable on unavailable.PlayerID = p.ID And unavailable.Date Between rzwm.StartDate And rzwm.EndDate

    Left Join OptionsMapping om1 on om1.ID = unavailable.ReasonID

    Where spm.SquadID = 5

    And (((spm.DateLeft IS NULL) And (spm.DateEntered = sea.StartDate) And (spm.DateLeft <= sea.EndDate)))

    And spm.SquadID = smp.SquadID

    --Group By p.ID, p.firstName, p.LastName, om.Name, om1.Name, available.Date, unavailable.Date

    Order by p.Lastname

    Im just wondering if anyone has any ideas how to remove these duplicate rows from the results

    Thanks in advance


  • There are two diferent approaches to remove duplicates as far as I know.

    1. Retrieve distinct data into a new table, drop the old one, and rename the new table.

    2. Create an identity column on the table, remove the duplicates, which have larger identity value.

    May the above help.

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