SQL server 2000 crashes after upgrading oracle9i to oracle 10g

  • I have a Win 2k server with SQL server 2000 SP3 running 50+ databases.

    and 20+ linked servers, many to other Oracle 8 and 9 boxes.

    everything has been running fine for the past 2 years until recently our Oracle team upgraded some of there boxs to 10g

    Once Weekly without fail at any time the SQL server will fail.

    Normally when someone tried to connect to one of the new 10g oracle systems.

    Log file shows the following.

    SQL Server could not spawn process_loginread thread.

    WARNING: Failed to reserve contiguous memory of Size= 262144.

    Buffer Distribution: Stolen=8090 Free=9161 Procedures=3735

    Inram=0 Dirty=1753 Kept=0

    I/O=0, Latched=283, Other=76326

    Buffer Counts: Commited=99348 Target=102231 Hashed=78362

    InternalReservation=263 ExternalReservation=0 Min Free=64

    Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=1867 TotalPages=3735 InUsePages=1860

    Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=11825 OS Reserved=1296

    OS Committed=1258

    OS In Use=1208

    Query Plan=10434 Optimizer=0


    Utilities=48 Connection=284

    Query Memory Manager: Grants=0 Waiting=0 Maximum=69297 Available=69297

    Error: 17803, Severity: 20, State: 12

    Insufficient memory available..

    At first i thought the problem may be this one that Microsoft has a hot fix for.

    as it states the error SQL Server could not spawn process_loginread thread.


    Also a mention here about the memory allocation at startup


    However before attempting any of these I cant help but think if this is something to do with the recent upgrades to oracle as this only happens when people start to use data from the linked 10g systems.

    Everything starts to run fine and then the whole service stopps affecting all other databases and we end up having to restart the server.

    If oracle has been upgraded to 10g then would we need new drivers on our windows sql server?

    Has anyone else come accross this or the error messages.

  • Did the Oracle Instances get updated to 10g, or was it the client tools on your SQL Server box.

    I would consider the following:

    Can you upgrade to SQL Server 2000 sp4

    What is the Oracle client you are running on your SQL Server box. It should help connecting to 10g with a 10g client.

  • Hi Erich

    I should have said.

    On the SQL server we have also updated to oracle 10g Client

    But no drivers was installed and I remember reading somewhere that 10g drivers also needed installing on the SQL box,

    I am unable to find this information now,

    Are you awear of any drivers.

    Do you think sp4 would have any benefits to this issue?

    Thanks for your reply the only one so far LOL.

  • Sorry for the delay in response.

    The reason I asked about the SP4 update is that when I have connected to 10g with SQL Server before it was 2000 SP4.

    Are you seeing any errors in your SQL Server error log or Event logs on the system?

  • The only errors i see is:

    SQL Server could not spawn process_loginread thread.

    WARNING: Failed to reserve contiguous memory of Size= 262144.

    Buffer Distribution: Stolen=8090 Free=9161 Procedures=3735

    Inram=0 Dirty=1753 Kept=0

    I/O=0, Latched=283, Other=76326

    Buffer Counts: Commited=99348 Target=102231 Hashed=78362

    InternalReservation=263 ExternalReservation=0 Min Free=64

    Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=1867 TotalPages=3735 InUsePages=1860

    Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=11825 OS Reserved=1296

    OS Committed=1258

    OS In Use=1208

    Query Plan=10434 Optimizer=0


    Utilities=48 Connection=284

    Query Memory Manager: Grants=0 Waiting=0 Maximum=69297 Available=69297

    Error: 17803, Severity: 20, State: 12

    Insufficient memory available..

    My network team are in the assumption it could be memory?

  • Sounds like you might not have memory allocated correctly.

    What kind of hardware do you have? 32 bit, 64bit, are you using AWE, what is the min/max server memory setting.

  • Hope this helps

    Memory – 2GB

    Model – ProLiant DL360 G4

    Processor –3.80Ghz Xeon

    Win 2k SP4

    SQL 2k Standard

    our infrastructure team are thinking of upgrading to 4Gig of ram,

    Though not sure what benefits that would have as SQL server 2k only supports 2GB

  • It sounds like this might be a configuration issue and not an issue with Oracle.

    When you run SQL Server, it is usually a good idea to set a cap for the memory so it does not end up starving the Operating System. Typically I set SQL Server to take memory and leave 1 gig of memory for the operating system. You can set this up using sp_configure and look at max Server memory or something like that.

    Also, you can add more than 2 gb to SQL Server, you will have to look into boot.ini switches. There is a /3gb switch to let sql server see more than 3 gig of RAM that you will need to enable.

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