Grouping together parameter fields

  • Hi,

    I have a report with several parameters. The first parm is BU, and the second is the one I'm having the problem with. It pulls Season based on the BU. The problem is that there is a level in the hierarchy in between BU and Season so there are duplicates (sort of) in the results. So I'd like to group anything with the same Season together. Seems like this should be easy, but I'm having a hard time finding anythign on it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!




    MEMBER [Season Value] AS [Product].[Product].CurrentMember.Member_Unique_Name

    MEMBER [Season Name] AS [Product].[Product].CurrentMember.Member_Caption


    { [Season Value], [Season Name] } ON 0


    { Descendants(StrToMember('[Product].[Product].[BU].&[' + @BU + ']'), [Product].[Product].[Season]) } ON 1


  • Hi

    Did you try Multiple Value option with "From Query" for Default Values for your report parameter?

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