what is the flow of this query?

  • ok, i wrote this simple query.

    I have a salesorderlineitem table. each line can have a status of SLH ( history) or SLI ( invioced).

    An order can have many salesOrderLines.

    I needed to return all orders with lines in both SLH and SLI.

    I know my query works as I have tested it. I am still unsure of the flow diagram that would be associated with this code. Can anyone explain.

    create table soli


    solineitemid int,

    partnumber varchar(10),

    solineitemstatuscode varchar(3),

    orderid int


    insert into soli


    insert into soli


    insert into soli


    insert into soli


    insert into soli


    insert into soli


    insert into soli


    insert into soli


    select distinct soli1.orderid from soli as soli1



    select orderid from soli as soli2

    where solineitemstatuscode = 'SLH'

    ) as a on soli1.orderid = a.orderid



    select orderid from soli as soli3

    where solineitemstatuscode = 'SLI'

    ) as b on soli1.orderid = b.orderid

    Note, only orders 1 and 3 will be returned.

  • What I'm going to tell you is exactly what can be derived from looking at the Execution Plan as well:

    First, it will execute

    select orderid from soli as soli2

    where solineitemstatuscode = 'SLH'

    and get orders 1 and 3

    Then, it will execute

    select orderid from soli as soli3

    where solineitemstatuscode = 'SLI'

    and get the orders 1, 2, and 3 (I'm distinct'ing at this point for brevity, even though more are returned)

    Then, according to the standard definition of INNER JOIN, it will take every record from the first execution and try to find a match in the second execution, which will filter out all orders numbered 2

    It will then take this, and INNER JOIN to soli1 causing only orders 1 and 3 to remain.

    It will then apply the distinct operator to that result set, and return 1 and 3.

    Hope this helps.

    (and next time, turn on your execution plan 🙂 )

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