Row Id ????

  • Hi i am using the following code to create a league table but i have no way of identifying which position the club are in the table so im just wondering if ayone knows of anyway to put a rod id on the rows of the results set, any help would be appreciated

    Thanks in advance


    Select '?????????' AS 'Row Number', as 'Team',


    select count(*) from matchstats

    where hometeamftscore > awayteamftscore

    and matchid IN (select matchid from matchstats, match

    where (match.squada =

    and matchstats.matchid =

    and match.competitionid = 0

    And Date Between (Select StartDate From Seasons Where ID = 148)

    And (Select EndDate From Seasons Where ID = 148))



    select count(*) from matchstats

    where hometeamftscore < awayteamftscore

    and matchid IN (select matchid from matchstats, match

    where (match.squadb =

    and matchstats.matchid =

    and match.competitionid = 0

    And Date Between (Select StartDate From Seasons Where ID = 148)

    And (Select EndDate From Seasons Where ID = 148))


    select count(*) from matchstats

    where hometeamftscore = awayteamftscore

    and matchid IN (select matchid from matchstats, match

    where (match.squada = or match.squadb =

    and matchstats.matchid =

    and match.competitionid = 0

    And Date Between (Select StartDate From Seasons Where ID = 148)

    And (Select EndDate From Seasons Where ID = 148))

    ) as 'Pts'

    from club c,

    squad s,

    match m,

    matchstats ms

    where s.clubid =

    and m.competitionid = 0

    and (m.squada = or m.squadb =

    and = ms.matchid

    And m.Date Between (Select StartDate From Seasons Where ID = 148)

    And (Select EndDate From Seasons Where ID = 148)

    group by,

    Order By Pts Desc

  • Since you seem to be on SQL Server 2000 you cannot use row_number(). You could create a temporary table for the whole result, and populate it using:

    select identity(int, 1,1) as RowNumber, other_columns into #foo from ....

    This will create an extra column that will contain a row number.

    Calculated row numbers are an option if your returned result set is small or poor performance is not an issue.



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • Hi and thanks for ur reply i managed to get this working in Query Analyser but i was hoping to use the code in a

    Function and i am getting an error about using temporary tables in Functions, do u know of any other way i could get these results

    Thanks again


  • tadhg88 (1/21/2008)

    Hi and thanks for ur reply i managed to get this working in Query Analyser but i was hoping to use the code in a

    Function and i am getting an error about using temporary tables in Functions, do u know of any other way i could get these results

    Thanks again



    you cannot use a temp table there, but you could use a table variable :). However, table variables have their drawbacks (do read about them on and (much depends on how much data you have)

    You could however use something like

    declare @t table(a int identity(1,1), b int)

    insert into @t (b) select 1 from sysobjects

    The above is just an example, but basically it creates a table variable with an identity column. But, at this moment it may be worth considering not to use a user defined function, do some ugly select for simulating row numbers on 2000 (;EN-US;q186133) (this approach is slow too), think about 2005 :), think about doing this in code (like c#)



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • ok i have got this working but it is very slow so i will check out the other options u suggested and see if i can find something faster

    Thanks for ur replies they are appreciated


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