Please help on a simple query

  • Hi Experts.

    I have this query which count how many sellers who sold at least one item from a category IN (5, 7, 41), on site_id=3 in the calendar month of October 2007.

    Select Count(distinct slr_id)

    from gdw_tables.DW_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS g, gdw_tables.dw_lstg_item l

    where g.site_id = 3 and g.USER_DEFINED_FIELD1 IN ('5', '7', '41') and l.success_yn='Y' and l.auct_end_dt between '2007-10-01' and '2007-10-31'

    and l.leaf_categ_id=g.leaf_categ_id and g.site_id =l.item_site_id

    The only criteria needs to be changed in the query is: in each of pervious 3 months.

    That means, I need to find out how many sellers who sold at least one item from a category IN (5, 7, 41), on site_id=3, in each of pervious 3 calendar month as of today.

    Can someone help?


  • I think this is what you need

    Select Count(distinct slr_id)

    from gdw_tables.DW_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS g, gdw_tables.dw_lstg_item l

    where g.site_id = 3 and g.USER_DEFINED_FIELD1 IN ('5', '7', '41') and l.success_yn='Y' and l.auct_end_dt >= dateadd(month,-3,getdate())

    and l.leaf_categ_id=g.leaf_categ_id and g.site_id =l.item_site_id

  • it doesn't sound that simple. you're going to need some intermediate summary to determine sales by month.

    declare @startDate smalldatetime, @endDate smalldatetime

    set @startDate = dateadd( month,-3,getdate() ) -- 3 months ago

    set @startDate = dateadd( day, 1 - datepart( day, @startDate ), @startDate ) -- 1st of month, 3 months ago

    set @endDate = dateadd( day, 1 - datepart( day, getdate() ), getdate() ) -- 1st of this month

    set @startDate = cast(convert(varchar,@startDate,101) as smalldatetime)

    set @endDate = cast(convert(varchar,@endDate,101) as smalldatetime)

    select @startDate, @endDate

    select slr_id, count(*) as months, min(sales) as min_sales, sum(sales) as total_sales


    ( select slr_id, month(l.auct_end_dt) as month, count(*) as sales

    from gdw_tables.DW_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS g, gdw_tables.dw_lstg_item l

    where g.site_id = 3 and g.USER_DEFINED_FIELD1 IN ('5', '7', '41') and l.success_yn='Y'

    and l_auct_end_dt >= @startDate and l_auct_end_dt < @endDate

    group by slr_id ) as MONTHLY_SALES

    group by slr_id

    having months = 3 and min_sales >= 3

    the pseduo-table aliased as MONTHLY_SALES should summarize sales by slr_id for each of the three prior full months. from that summarization, it then gets all sellers who have sold product in each month (months = 3) and sold at least 3 items in each month (min_sales >= 3). you will wind up with a list of sellars and their sales summary but you can just count that list to get the total.

  • a slightly different approach using top 3 and order by to get the top 3 months.

    I also limited the query to only count up to 4 months in the past, not sure how your tables are indexed but this should help keep query times down.

    Select top 3

    Count(distinct slr_id) as [cnt],

    datename(mm, cast(cast(year(l.auct_end_dt) as varchar)+right('00'+cast(month(l.auct_end_dt) as varchar), 2)+'01'as datetime)) as [Month]

    from gdw_tables.DW_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS g,

    gdw_tables.dw_lstg_item l

    where g.site_id = 3

    and g.USER_DEFINED_FIELD1 IN ('5', '7', '41')

    and l.success_yn='Y'

    and month(l.auct_end_dt) <> month(getdate())

    and l.auct_end_dt > dateadd(mm, -4, getdate())

    and l.leaf_categ_id=g.leaf_categ_id

    and g.site_id =l.item_site_id

    group by

    cast(cast(year(l.auct_end_dt) as varchar)+right('00'+cast(month(l.auct_end_dt) as varchar), 2)+'01'as datetime)

    order by

    cast(cast(year(l.auct_end_dt) as varchar)+right('00'+cast(month(l.auct_end_dt) as varchar), 2)+'01'as datetime)


  • re: Samuel Vella

    that query does not seem to only consider sellers who have sold at least 3 items in each of the past 3 months. have i misinterpreted the query?

  • antonio.collins (1/16/2008)

    re: Samuel Vella

    that query does not seem to only consider sellers who have sold at least 3 items in each of the past 3 months. have i misinterpreted the query?

    I think you might have over complicated it a bit, the original post only specified at least 1 item

  • re: Samuel Vella

    yup, you're right -- 1 per month. i've been doing a rebuild/release all night and letters and digits are starting to run together. 😀

    still, how does your query ensure at least one sale in each month?

  • antonio.collins (1/16/2008)

    re: Samuel Vella

    yup, you're right -- 1 per month. i've been doing a rebuild/release all night and letters and digits are starting to run together. 😀

    I know that feeling! its not good

    antonio.collins (1/16/2008)

    still, how does your query ensure at least one sale in each month?

    Good point... Took a slight gamble there as the request wasn't too clear

    Wait and see what the original poster comes back with

  • antonio.collins (1/16/2008)

    re: Samuel Vella

    that query does not seem to only consider sellers who have sold at least 3 items in each of the past 3 months. have i misinterpreted the query?

    Sorry, I should provide a clear question.

    I only want to see the sellers who have sold at least ONE item in each of the past 3 month.

    I actually need list of sellers and count of sellers who have sold at least ONE item in each of the past 3 month, but once I get the count, I will know how to get a list.

    I am running SQL statement in Teradata to retrieve datawarehouse data, and I don't see the stored proc will work in Teradata, so please provide T-SQL only.


  • Good luck with that... does TeraData use the same date functions as T-SQL?

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