show multiple values in single textbox comma separated

  • I have a field called "Owners", and it's a child to an "Activities" table.

    An Activity can have on or more owners, and what I'd like to do is some how comma separate the values that come back if there are more than one owners.

    I've tried a subreport, but because the row is colored and if another field, title, expands to a second row (b/c of the length) and the subreport has just one name, then the sub-report has some different color underneath due to it being smaller in height.

    I'm kinda stuck on how to do this.


  • This did the trick:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ConcatOwners4(@ActID CHAR(50))




    DECLARE @Output VARCHAR(8000)


    (SELECT ',' + SAN.Authority AS "text()"

    FROM Activity

    Left Outer JOIN Owner ON Activity.ActivityID = Owner.ActivityID

    Left outer JOIN SAN ON Owner.OwnerZNumber = SAN.Authority

    WHERE Activity.ActivityID = @ActID

    ORDER BY Authority

    FOR XML PATH('')) ,2,8000)

    RETURN @Output


  • I've often wondered how to do this in SQL - that's a neat solution.

  • You can also use the COALESCE() function to pull everything together.

    Declare @cols varchar(4000);

    Select @cols = COALESCE(@cols + ', ' + MyColName, MyColName)

    from MyTable Order by MyDate;

    Select @cols;

    The order by clause isn't required. I just copied this over from something I had.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

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