Replication between 2005 and 2000

  • I'm trying to replicate between a SQL 2000 server and a SQL 2005 server. However, I get a message on the SQL 2000 server when I try to register the SQL 2005 server that says "To connect to this server you must use SQL Server Management Studio or SQL Server Management Objects." Is there a way around this without upgrading the SQL 2000 server? I have seen where I can download SQL Server Management Studio Express, but I don't think it will let me control replication from the SQL 2000. I'm trying to do a push merge replication from the SQL 2005 server to the SQL 2000 server. Do I really even need to do anything on the SQL 2000 server or can it all be done on the SQL 2005?



  • You can use Enterprise Manager to configure the publication and the distributor (if it is on a SQL 2000 server), but you cannot use it to create the subscription if the subscriber is a SQL 2005 database.

    So, the solution is simple, feel free to create the publication with no subscribers. When done, open managemenr studio and connect to the SQL 2005 subscriber and configure it with Management Studio. Yes, you can configure a push sunscription from your 2000 server to your 2005 server using Management Studio connected to the subscriber.

    You can also simply use Management Studio for all of it. Management studio can connect to both the 2000 and the 2005 servers and the wozards for replication are similar.

  • just connect to the SQL 2000 server with SSMS to set up replication. no law says you have to use EM

  • The problem is I don't "own" the SQL 2005 box. It is at our ISP and we are replicating from their server to ours. I'm worried that I won't be able to "manage" any portion of the replication from our end, since they don't really appear to know what they are doing. Can I install SSMS Express for this?



  • how much data and how often does it change?

    i have some data i import from a few sybase db's daily and we just do a full copy and replace every night

  • All you need is a SQL license allowing you to install Management Studio on your local PC or laptop. You do not need an additional server license.

    Optionally, you can configure replication through T-SQL eliminating the need for the Management Studio UI. The procedures are pretty well documented in books online.

  • Just download the trial version and when you run the install select just the Client Tools.

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