Retrieving records

  • I have two tables namely



    I want to list out the names of the user and the blocked user

    how to write query for this

    I wrote this and it is displaying result but I want to know usernames for blocked id users:

    SELECT U.uid,,U.mail,B.blocked_id

    FROM users U

    INNER JOIN block_user B

    ON U.uid=B.uid;

    User table:

    Uid name mailid

    1 a

    2 b

    3 c

    4 d


    uid blocked_id





    User name is present only in user table

    Now I want to list the names of the blocked user along with the user who have blocked them.

    I am able to list only blocked users id but I want their names..

    Can anyone help me please...

    Thanks in advance

  • Join against the user table twice.

    Once on the blocked id and once on the userid that has done the block.

    That way you can get at both usernames, one from each instance of the usertable.


  • Hi Kenneth

    Thanks for your answer

    Stil I am unable to get the names of the blocked user..

    I am able to retrieve their id's alone...

    I want their name also along with the id's

    Could you please help me...

  • You didn't post what you subsequently tried after the previous (correct) suggestion. I admit that I had no idea what you were on about but the previous suggestion, turned in to SQL, is something like

    SELECT U.uid,,U.mail,B.blocked_id,

    FROM users U

    INNER JOIN block_user B

    ON U.uid=B.uid

    INNER JOIN users UB

    ON B.blocked_id = UB.uid

    You are using the users table twice in the query - once aliased as U and the next time as UB. They contain the same data but are considered as two distinct tables for the purposes of the query. If you want users whether there are blocks or not then you need to consider LEFT, RIGHT or FULL outer joins. Look up "table joins" on this site for some articles.

  • Oh, and look up "self joins" too 🙂

  • Thanks a lot Ian

    It works perfect!!!

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