Modifying SSIS job - can't find the files??

  • Okay, I feel pretty dumb right now. :unsure: I was rushed to learn SQL Server 2005 so we could upgrade our current sql server 2000 when migrating to a new server. I was successful in getting the data migrated and I even figured out how to create some backup maintenance jobs. :satisfied: The problem now is that I need to look at the jobs and possibly modify them but I can't figure out where to find the SSIS package that I created??!! :crying: I know I created it using BIDS which is new to me as well but I can't seem to locate the file(s). Can someone help me please, before I go nutso! :crazy:

    ...Okay, I have at least figured out that my jobs are stored in the MSDB database. Now I just need to figure out how to open them in BIDS to review and modify??



  • I am not exactly sure what it is that you can't find. So here is a few things to check.

    Maintenance plans are normally created and changed using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. They are stored in the MSDB database. If you need to edit them, you should do that using Management Studio. This allows you to change what the maintenance plan does and also when it runs.

    Maintenance plans are actually SSIS packages. As such, they can also be created and changed using BIDS. If you create or change a maintenance plan, you will not be able to make any changes to the resultant SSIS package using Management Studio.

    When you are using BIDS, you create a project and the SSIS packages are created in the same folder as the project. THe actual location is dependent on where you create the project - by default it is in your profile but you can create it in any location you want.

    SQL Agent jobs are used to run Maintenance Plans and other schedule activities. If you edit the maintenance plan within Management Studio, you do not need to worry about the job - the maintenance plan editor does everything you need.

    SQL Agent jobs are created within the MSDB database. You can edit them using Management Studio. Navigate to the jobs node (underneath SQL Server Agent and all will be revealed)

    Hope this helps

  • Thank you happycat! I cannot believe how easy that was. I'm not sure what I was thinking yesterday (if I was thinking at all! :D) I was thinking I created the maintenance plan in BIDS, but I think I actually did create it in Studio Manager using the Maintenance Plans functions.

    Again, I thank you!



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