Totaling the Rows in Matrix report

  • I cant seem to figure this out. I need to add a cell in between Rows and Data that has the totals for the row. For example, the default layout is...


    Rows Data

    I would like the result to be.......


    Rows Total Data

  • Ok, I was able to do a workaround by totaling up the rows in SQL instead of SRS, however, now I have 2 more issues. The attachment is part of my matrix report. Columns are the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... values. Rows are grouped by Month, Year, and Total. Data are the numbers under columns.

    1. In the upper right cell where value = "Month Year Total", how do I unmerge it so it can display 3 separate cells so the headings would align with cells below.

    2. In the "Quarterly" cell which is actually the totals for Month group, I would like to have a totals for the Total column. Is that possible?

  • I was able to figure out how to do #1 by adding a table to that cell. Anyone know if #2 is possible?

  • anyone?

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