How to use Text data type in sqlserver 2000

  • Hi,

    Good afternoon

    I am using Text Data type in sql server 2000 as shown below,


    DECLARE @test-2 TEXT

    then at the time of execution it throwing an error message is like this

    The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid for local variables.

    I required the exact sysntax how to use TEXT data type in sql server 2000?

    plz herp out to achive this...

  • hi,

    can it work with varchar(7999)

    declare @test-2 varchar(7999)

    is ur @test-2 variable store more than 8000 character?



  • Thank U Vijay,

    but my requirement is to store more than 8000 charchater,

    vrachar max vcalue is 8000

    i.e so that reason ,i have taken TEXT data type,

    i want how to use TEXT data type ????



  • You cannot use a TEXT data type for a variable. Why do you need it in a variable? What are you trying to do? With what you have provided for information, all we can tell you is that it cannot be done. If you provide a bit more information, there is likely a way to do woat you want that does not involve a variable of a blob data type.

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