Left pad field

  • I have an integer field that I want to convert and left pad the field with "0"s to make the field a total of 5 characters. Any suggestions? I can not find a left pad function.

  • Select right('00000' + cast(MyFieldName as varchar(5)), 5) as MyFieldName from MyTable

  • There is no Left pad function as this can be considered a presentational issue you have  Try this:

    DECLARE @MeineZahl INT

    SET @MeineZahl = 99


     REPLACE(STR(@MeineZahl,10), ' ', '0')




    (1 row(s) affected)

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • DECLARE @intX int

    SET @intX = 123

    SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar,1000000 + @intX),5)



  • Here is a User Defined Function that can be called to perform this functionality wherever and whenever needed. Best of luck!

    -- ************************************************************************************

    -- Create Function

    -- ************************************************************************************

    CREATE FUNCTION tsgudf_FormatPadLeft

     (@StringToPad VARCHAR (255) = NULL,

      @PadChar CHAR (1) = '0',

      @TotalLength INT = 8)



    /* ***********************************************************************************

    **   Domain:         TSGJAX.COM

    **   Server:         Generic

    **   Database:       Generic

    **   Project:        Formatting Scalar Functions


    **   Name:           tsgudf_FormatPadLeft

    **   Decription:     This scalar function returns a string padded with any

    **       specified character (e.g. 0 or blank) to a specified

    **       lenght including both the padded and original values.

    **   Author Name:    Joe Salvatore

    **   Author Title:   Programmer/Analyst

    **   Author Company: The Stellar Group

    **   Author Phone:   XXX-XXX-XXXX

    **   Author Email:   jsalvatore@thestellargroup.com


    **   Scheduling:     Not Applicable - Callable Scalar Function



    **                     CHANGE HISTORY

    **  Change No:   Date:          Author:    Description:

    **  _________    ___________    _______________ ____________________________________

    **     001       12/31/2003     Joe Salvatore Created.                               


    ************************************************************************************ */

    -- ************************************************************************************

    -- Example To Execute the Function

    -- ************************************************************************************

    -- SELECT

    --  dbo.tsgudf_FormatPadLeft(LTRIM(STR(123)),'0',8) AS FormatedResult,

    --  LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(STR(123)))) AS Length,

    --  8-LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(STR(123)))) AS LengthToPad

    -- Returns FormatedResult = 00000123 Length = 3 and LengthToPad = 5


    -- ************************************************************************************

    -- Declare and Set Local Variables

    -- ************************************************************************************


    @Error        INTEGER,         -- Local variable to capture the error code.

    @ErrMsg       NVARCHAR(1000),  -- Error message to return

    @Parameters   NVARCHAR(4000),  -- String representing parameters

    @PaddedResult VARCHAR (255)

    -- ************************************************************************************

    -- Set Parameter String to be Used for Error Handling

    -- ************************************************************************************

    SET @Parameters = ''

                    + ' @StringToPad:'


                    + ' @PadChar:'


                    + ' @TotalLength:'

      + COALESCE(CONVERT(VARCHAR, @TotalLength), 'NULL')

    SET @Error = 0

    -- ************************************************************************************

    -- Main Function Logic

    -- ************************************************************************************


    -- Length of Input String is a less than desired (padding needed)

    IF @TotalLength > LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringToPad)))  


            SET @PaddedResult =


      + @StringToPad 

    -- Length of Input String is the same or greater length then desired (no padding needed)

    IF @TotalLength <= LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringToPad)))  


            SET @PaddedResult =



    -- ************************************************************************************

    -- Error Handling

    -- ************************************************************************************

    SELECT @Error  = @@Error

    IF (@Error != 0)


       SELECT @ErrMsg = 'Server: Msg 60001, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 ' +

     CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'Error using parameters ' +

     + @Parameters +

     ' provided to dbo.tsgudf_FormatPadLeft.'




    -- ************************************************************************************

    -- Set Function Return Value

    -- ************************************************************************************



    RETURN @StringToPad



    RETURN @PaddedResult


  • This will pad out any column or variable to what ever length you need.

    CONVERT(varchar(5), REPLICATE('0', 5 - DATALENGTH(CONVERT(varchar(5), ColA))) + CONVERT(varchar(5), ColA))

  • And to bum Chad's a little more:

    reverse(cast(reverse(REPLICATE('0', 5) + @value) as varchar(5)))


    Signature is NULL

  • IMHO, there is neither a need for a scalar UDF (a real performance killer on larger tables) nor for a tour de force in casting, converting, reversing.... If you don't want to do this at the client (where it really belongs to), see Remi's or my reply above.

    Btw, Calvin:

    declare @ColA int

    set @ColA = 99



     , REPLICATE('0', 5 - DATALENGTH(CONVERT(varchar(5), @ColA))) +

     CONVERT(varchar(5), @ColA))


     reverse(cast(reverse(REPLICATE('0', 5) + @ColA) as varchar(5)))




    (1 row(s) affected)




    (1 row(s) affected)

    What am I doing wrong that I don't get the desired result with your suggestion?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Surely the fewer text functions the better? Frank...what is wrong with doing it this way (assuming you are just padding out an integer, which was the question)?

    DECLARE @intX int

    SET @intX = 123

    SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar,1000000 + @intX),5)

  • Oops, nothing in particular. Must have overseen it while scrolling up and down. Sorry!

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Too many good solutions to this questions... just as long as you keep the conversions down it's gonna be fine... I've seen 2-3 solutions here that do it in only 2 steps instead of 4-5. I'd use any of 'em since I've seen no speed difference whatsoever in any of 'em.

    However I agree with Frank that this sould be done client side unless you need to keep this format on the server and that you must update all rows now.

  • Declare @RequiredLength int

    Declare @ToConvert int

    select @ToConvert = 22

    select @RequiredLength = 5

    select replicate('0', (@RequiredLength - len(@ToConvert))) + convert(varchar,@ToConvert)

  • Declare @RequiredLength int

    Declare @ToConvert int

    select @ToConvert = 22

    select @RequiredLength = 5

    select replicate('0', (@RequiredLength - len(@ToConvert))) + convert(varchar,@ToConvert)

  • Ah, an int not a varchar...should have read carefully.  And Frank and Mr. Robertson already answered with good solutions anyway.  The UDF threw me off...


    Signature is NULL

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