Why SQL Server is Better Than Oracle

  • Shhhh....Oracle is asleep. (Or perhaps the listener has gone down again)

    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • Quite a while back I had to write some trivial .Net code to pull some data out of oracle. It turned out to be quite a mission, I had to install something like 200mb of database drivers and edit numerous text configuration files just to establish a connection.

    Anyway, I mentioned to a workmate my disbelief at how complicated such a simple task had become.

    He just nodded sagely, and said "You know why oracle is like an onion?"

    I asked him why

    "Because the more layers you take off, the more you will cry"

  • Quite a coincidence, I went to a Oracle 11g launch presentation today.

  • Flaming apart I work with both database engines, and I compare sql server with oracle the same way windows compares with linux. somethings are just built by smarter people 😛

  • Q: How many Oracle DBAs does it take to change a light bulb ?

    A: Three - it takes three Oracle DBAs to do anything.

    Q: How many SQL Server DBAs does it take to change a light bulb ?

    A: None - SQL Server automatically changes light bulbs.

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • I really like the podcasts. Great addition.

  • Oh Boy ... This is probably going to be a big one 😀

    * Noel

  • Now we know for sure who pays Steve's xmas presents, jajajaja. Have an excellent day ladys and gentlemen.

  • Oracle *is* user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are.

    It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

    Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.

  • Carl Federl (10/4/2007)

    Q: How many Oracle DBAs does it take to change a light bulb ?

    A: Three - it takes three Oracle DBAs to do anything.

    Q: How many SQL Server DBAs does it take to change a light bulb ?

    A: None - SQL Server automatically changes light bulbs.

    Would you mind notchanging the light bulbs while I'm trying to read?!

    There is no truth to the following rumors:

    MySQL is proposing changing WHERE to WHEN to emphasise the "real time" nature of the Falcon engine.

    Oracle touts it complexity as a new "security" feature.

    DB2 introduces ROLL OVER for transactions to make the succeed even if there are conflicts.

    SQL Server introduces SORT OF and KIND OF as extentsions of LIKE to make things more warm and fuzzy.

    No truth, I tell you. NO TRUTH!!

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • When my son got married I went out for drinks with a bunch of his friends.

    You haven't lived till you get roasted by a bunch half drunk Oracle guys.


    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • You comments about being less formal with the people you like, reminded me of a passage from "The Gulag Archipelago" by Solzhenitsyn. In it he stresses that "your friends will argue with you". If he told someone that he was going to do something stupid, like talk back to the guards, his friends were the ones trying to talk him out of it. The guy who was encouraging him, saying "Yea, tell them what you think" might appear to be supportive, but in reality they were definitely NOT his friend.

    I've been know to play "devil's advocate" with system designs and some people accuse me of arguing too much. I just tell them about Solzhenitsyn and let them know that I'm "very friendly" Nothing solidifies a design like having to defend it against alternatives.

  • Let's get down to it gentleman, I think Oracle sucks but I have learned to like it - sort of. It is more like a living arrangement.

    In my experience Oracle DBAs make more $mula$. The entry level for Oracle is higher. I am not sure if Oracle did that on purpose.

    Ah, you have not lived until you set up Oracle Management Server - something that is basically out of the box in MS SQL.

    At the same time, there are things that are in Oracle that I wish MS SQL had and vice versa.


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