Dynamic SQL into a temp table

  • How can I insert the resultset from dynamic SQL into a temp table for further processing based on my code below:

    IF (@Status = 'All Reactivation')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' + ' = ''In Reactivation 1 Quarter''' + ' OR StatusID' + ' = ''In Reactivation 30 Day'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLstr;

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • any temp table created in a stored procedure vanishes after the stored procedure completes. so you can't use sp_executesql to create a temp table. you'll need to create the temp table before the call and use sp_executesql to populate it.

    also, sp_executesql requires nchar text (e.g.: "declare @statement nvarchar(250)").

  • This one works for me if this is what you are looking for, the idea is to create the temporary table before and insert the rows later.

    CREATE TABLE #test (val INT);

    INSERT INTO #test (val) VALUES (3);

    CREATE TABLE #test3 (val INT);

    DECLARE @SQLStr nvarchar(max)

    SET @SQLStr = 'insert into #test3 SELECT * FROM #test';

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLstr;

    select * from #test3;

    drop table #test3;

    drop table #test;

  • based on the inpout from everybody I think I need tro find another way to do this. What I need is to have two record set returned. One will have the actual rows and then based off the first recordset a summary of those rows. THis is the code as it stands now which returns the 1st row set:

    USE [TSDataWarehouse]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [consultantreports].[uspS_DownlineCoaching] Script Date: 01/17/2008 09:09:11 ******/






    DECLARE@AchieveLevelStart int


    DECLARE@LineStart varchar (10)

    DECLARE @LineEndvarchar(10)

    DECLARE@Status varchar(30)

    DECLARE@GreaterThan Decimal





    SET @ConsultantID = @ConsultantID

    SET @PeriodDate = GETDATE()

    Set @ConsultantID = '0000112'

    SET @AchieveLevelStart = 10

    SET @AchieveLevelEnd = 80

    SET @LineStart = '1'

    SET @LineEnd = '4'

    SET @Status = 'All Active'

    SET @GreaterThan = 0

    SET @LessThan = 20000

    -- Achieve Level Filter

    SET @AchieveLevelStart = @AchieveLevelStart

    SET @AchieveLevelEnd = @AchieveLevelEnd

    -- Downline level filter

    SET @LineStart=@LineStart

    SET @LineEnd= @LineEnd

    -- Status Filter

    SET @Status = @Status

    -- Sales level Filter

    SET @GreaterThan = @GreaterThan

    SET @LessThan = @LessThan

    -- String that holds the AND statment for the

    -- Sales level filter.


    -- String that hold the SQL Execution statement

    SET @SQLStr = NULL

    -- Declare Local Variables

    Declare @MonthStartDt As DateTime

    DECLARE @MonthEndDt AS DateTime

    DECLARE @QuarterStartDtASDateTime

    DECLARE @QuarterEndDt AS DateTime

    Declare @YearASDateTime

    Declare @PeriodStartDt As DateTime

    Declare @PeriodEndDt as DateTime

    -- Breakdown @PeriodDate into Quarter and Months

    SET @QuarterStartDt = DATEADD(quarter, DATEDIFF(quarter, 0, @periodDate), 0)

    Set @QuarterEndDt = DATEADD(quarter, DATEDIFF(quarter, -1, @PeriodDate), -1)

    SET @Year = DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,@PeriodStartDt), 0)

    SET @MonthStartDt = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, @PeriodDate), 0)

    Set @MonthEndDt = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, -1, @PeriodDate), -1);

    IF @MonthEndDt > GETDATE()


    SET @MonthEndDt = GETDATE()


    -- Declare the Downline Recursive Query

    With downline (ConsultantID,EffectiveDate, ConsultantName,DownLineLevel,

    ConsultantXId,BumpupDate, DeactivationDate,CurrentLevelAchieveDate,

    CurrentLevelXID, Active, BillToAddressLine1



    EmailAddress,SponsorXID, StatusID,NACDate )



    -- Anchor member defintion



    ,A.FirstName + ' ' + A.LastName as ConsultantName

    ,0 as DownLineLevel




















    FROM dbo.uvwConsultantDownLine A

    WHERE A.ConsultantID = @ConsultantID

    AND @MonthEndDt Between a.EffectiveDate and A.EffectiveEndDate -- 1 Record


    --Recursive member definition



    ,A.FirstName + ' ' + A.LastName as ConsultantName

    ,DownLineLevel + 1




















    FROM dbo.uvwConsultantDownLine AS A


    A.SponsorID = B.ConsultantID

    WHERE @MonthEndDt Between a.EffectiveDate and A.EffectiveEndDate

    ) -- Appropriate records

    -- Create the Temp table #Downline that returns the CTE results

    SELECT A.DownLineLevel



    ,UPPER(RTRIM(A.ConsultantName)) AS ConsultantName

    ,D.Title AS AchievedTitle




















    INTO #Downline

    FROM DownLine AS A

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SharedDimension.dbo.DimConsultantTitle AS D ON

    A.CurrentLevelXID = D.XID

    GROUP BY A.ConsultantID

























    'OrigConsID' = @ConsultantID

    ,(Select ConsultantName FROM #Downline d

    WHERE D.ConsultantID = @ConsultantID) AS 'OrigConsName'





    ,ISNULL(Convert(Char(10),D.BumpupDate,101),'') as BumpupDate




    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(CHAR(10),D.CurrentLevelAchieveDate,101),'') AS AchieveDate


    WHEN O.OrderCreateDate Between @QuarterStartDt And @QuarterEndDt THEN O.PartOneTotal

    ELSE 0

    END),0) AS QuarterToDate_total


    WHEN O.OrderCreateDate Between @MonthStartDt And @MonthEndDt THEN O.PartOneTotal

    ELSE 0

    END),0) AS MonthToDate_Total

    ,CONVERT(Char(10),Max(O.OrderCreateDate),101) AS 'LastOrderDate'











    ,ISNULL(r.RepFlag,' ')AS RepFlag



    ,'StatusID' = CASE

    WHEN StatusID ='Active' THEN ''

    WHEN StatusID = 'Home Office' THEN ''

    WHEN StatusID = 'New, Non Active Consultant' THEN ''

    ELSE StatusID


    ,'No_Of_Parties' = 0

    ,Convert(varchar(10),D.NACDate,101) AS AgreementDate

    INTO #DlFiltered from #Downline D

    LEFT OUTER JOIN uvw_DownlineOrder O ON D.ConsultantID = O.ConsultantID

    LEFT Outer JOIN Repromotes r ON d.ConsultantID = r.ConsultantID AND r.repflag = 'X'

    WHERE (D.Active = 1) OR (D.DeactivationDate BETWEEN @MonthStartDt AND @MonthEndDt)

    AND r.AchieveLevel >= 4

    GROUP BY D.ConsultantID ,D.Downlinelevel
























    -- Drop the temp table

    --DROP TABLE #Downline

    -- Set up And clause for Sales amount filter.

    IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total >= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@LessThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@GreaterThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total <= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NOT NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' AND '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    -- All Active Filter

    IF (@Status = 'All Active')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    -- TIB Filter

    IF (@Status = 'TIB')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' +' = ''TIB'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    -- Special TIB Filter

    IF (@Status = 'Special TIB')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' + ' = ''Special TIB'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    -- All TIB Filter

    IF (@Status = 'All TIB')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' + ' = ''Special TIB''' + 'OR StatusID' + ' = ''TIB'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    -- Grace Filter

    IF (@Status = 'Grace')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' +' = ''Grace'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    -- New, Non Active Consultant Filter

    IF (@Status = 'New, Non Active Consultant')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' +' = ''New, Non Active Consultant'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    -- In Reactivation 30 Day Filter

    IF (@Status = 'In Reactivation 30 Day')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' +' = ''In Reactivation 30 Day'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    -- In Reactionation 1 Quarter Filter

    IF (@Status = 'In Reactivation 1 Quarter')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' +' = ''In Reactivation 1 Quarter'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    -- All Reactivation Filter

    IF (@Status = 'All Reactivation')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' + ' = ''In Reactivation 1 Quarter''' + ' OR StatusID' + ' = ''In Reactivation 30 Day'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    -- Execute Dynamic SQL

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLstr;

    DROP TABLE #Downline

    DROP TABLE #DLFiltered

    I need to now generate a summary also based on the rowset produced by this code.

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • I would have changed the process to get the data myself. your proc is what my boss calls "putting wings and wheels on a horse"...that is, using one procedure to try and run,jump, or fly all with the same tool.

    I would instead break your procedure into multiple smaller procedures, and use either a master procedure, or logic in the business layer to decide which one to call, based on the empty parameters you are checking.

    so if you need to check one kind of criteria, it calls one sub proc or another, instead of a bigger, do all dynamic procedure you are currently using.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • It seems that your need for dynamic sql can be eliminated with a bit of rework. For example, this block:

    IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total >= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@LessThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@GreaterThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total <= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NOT NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' AND '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    can be reduced to this:

    and MonthToDate_Total >= isnull(@GreaterThan,@absoluteMin)

    and MonthToDate_Total <= isnull(@LessThan,@absoluteMax)

    @absoluteMin and @absoluteMax are the lowest and highest values for your datatype and should be declared and set in the proc.

    likewise, all of your filters could be accomplished with UNIONS:

    -- In Reactivation 30 Day Filter

    IF (@Status = 'In Reactivation 30 Day')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' +' = ''In Reactivation 30 Day'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    -- In Reactionation 1 Quarter Filter

    IF (@Status = 'In Reactivation 1 Quarter')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' +' = ''In Reactivation 1 Quarter'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    becomes this (unless i've misread your logic)

    -- In Reactivation 30 Day Filter

    SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1

    AND StatusID = @Status

    AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN @AchieveLevelStart and @AchieveLevelEnd )

    AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN @LineStart AND @LineEnd

    AND (@Status = 'In Reactivation 30 Day')


    -- In Reactionation 1 Quarter Filter

    SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1

    AND StatusID= @Status

    AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN @AchieveLevelStart ) AND @AchieveLevelEnd

    AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN @LineStart AND @LineEnd

    AND (@Status = 'In Reactivation 1 Quarter')

  • so all my filters would be come a union?

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • I think you miss read the code

    IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total >= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@LessThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@GreaterThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total <= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NOT NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' AND '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    WHERE you said

    and MonthToDate_Total >= isnull(@GreaterThan,@absoluteMin)and MonthToDate_Total <= isnull(@LessThan,@absoluteMax)

    The And is actually a variable @And that get appended to the SQL String. How is that handled if I remove the Dynamic SQL?

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total >= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@LessThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@GreaterThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total <= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NOT NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' AND '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    WHERE you said

    and MonthToDate_Total >= isnull(@GreaterThan,@absoluteMin)and MonthToDate_Total <= isnull(@LessThan,@absoluteMax)

    The And is actually a variable @And that get appended to the SQL String. How is that handled if I remove the Dynamic SQL?

    move the 2 MonthToDate comparisons to each UNION. Dynamic SQL isn't necessary.

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