Problem while using bcp

  • Hi

    while i am trying to execute a bcp command which takes data from a table which resides in a remote server and copy to a csv file which is local to sql sever, i am getting an error as follows

    Error Number - 08001

    Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

    Please advise


    Tomgy Varghese

  • Looks to me that the either username and password you connect to the remote server with are invalid, or -

    The server that you are logging errors to has an invalid user/pswrd.


    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Hi

    My user name and password is correct.I could connect to the remote server using the same username and password.But when i try to copy data using bcp it shows the following error.

    SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 17

    Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

    SQLState = 01000, NativeError = 53

    Warning = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

    Please help

    Thanks in advance


  • Try bring an 'execute sql task' into the package and select the connection you have made. Run a simple select statement on the table you are trying to export from. It may be that the user you are connecting with does not have permissions to select on that table.


    Also check to see where you are logging your error log to. That may be the one giving you problems.



    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • I can duplicate your error messages by specifying an invalid sql server in my bcp command. Check to make sure your remote server name is correct.

  • Hi

    My remote server name and password is correct.I could do the same thing when i try using development server.But when i use bcp in my production server to copy data from remote server, i am getting the following error

    SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 17

    Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

    SQLState = 01000, NativeError = 53

    Warning = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

    is it because of some firewall protection ?

    please advise


    Tom Varghese

  • Did you ever get this figured out? I am having an issue that results in the same error message when I try to open any DTS package in design view on the server. Everything I have found so far suggests installing the latest service pack. I will try that but if that works then for some reason this server is 'dropping' the service pack updates if that makes sense as this will be the third time in as many months that I have had to install SP3 on this box. Anyone have any ideas what could be going on here? I am Running SQL Server 2000, SP3 on Windows Server 2003.




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