Help with XML generation

  • I need to generate an XML in the below format from my Stored Proc.


    <Value> 10000</Value>


    the Value is the only column that i get from a table...All the other Collaterals are simply tags that i need to create for the further processing. How can i generate this?




  • Try this:

    select '<Collateral1><Collateral2><Collateral3><Value>'

    + convert(varchar(20), TableValue)

    + '</Value></Collateral3></Collateral2></Collateral1>'

    from [Table]

  • Cheers m8...I guess that does the trick...but not exactly as i wanted...but i guess this is the best i can get with the time i have on my hands



  • you could try this...


      1        as "Tag"

    , null     as "Parent"

    , ''       as "Collateral1!1!!element"

    , null     as "Collateral2!2!!element"

    , null     as "Collateral3!3!Value!element"

    union all


      2        as "Tag"

    , 1        as "Parent"

    , ''       as "Collateral1!1!!element"

    , ''       as "Collateral2!2!!element"

    , null     as "Collateral3!3!Value!element"

    union all


      3        as "Tag"

    , 2        as "Parent"

    , ''       as "Collateral1!1!!element"

    , ''       as "Collateral2!2!!element"

    , 1000     as "Collateral3!3!Value!element"

    for xml explicit

  • Are you working on Repo's ?

    Maybe we can share some of the data structures ?


  • Sorry m8! Not exactly working on repos ...working on generating an xml for the component to parse...

    In any case...lemme know if you need any info..maybe I can help.



  • Hi All, I have looked at this discussion for an answer to a problem i have with Stored Procedures and returning XML. I have particularly tried ti implment what Kreynolds said in his thread.

    So here is the problem,

    I wish to create an XML string that looks something like the following from my stored procedures.

    <AudioScriptXML> <Audio ID=""0""> <ActorID>1</ActorID> <SpecialInstructions>Speak in an Irish Accent</SpecialInstructions> <Script>hello</Script> </Audio> <Audio ID=""1""> <ActorID>1</ActorID> <SpecialInstructions>Wee bonnie scot talk</SpecialInstructions> <Script>david</Script> </Audio> </AudioScriptXML>

    I have the following stored procedure at present.....

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetAudioScript


    SELECT 1 AS Tag,

    null AS Parent,

    ID AS [Audio!1!ID],

    act AS [Audio!1!ActorID!Element],

    auI AS [Audio!1!SpecialInstructions!Element],

    ItemValue as [Audio!1!Script!Element]

    FROM CustomAudioTable WHERE auS = 1 ORDER BY ID



    However this does not create a root node that opens and the start and closes at the end.

    So i am trying this (taken from krynolds example)

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetAudioScript


    SELECT 1 AS Tag,

    null AS Parent

    union all


    2 AS Tag,

    1 as Parent,

    ID AS [Audio!1!ID],

    act AS [Audio!1!ActorID!Element],

    auI AS [Audio!1!SpecialInstructions!Element],

    ItemValue as [Audio!1!Script!Element]

    FROM CustomAudioTable WHERE auS = 1 ORDER BY ID



    and i am told in an erro message the the Column ID is invalid.

    I have never used xml within stored procedures before and am a little confused as to how to get the desired results.

    Any help would be great.

    Thanks, Dave

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