partitioning table @ sql server 2000

  • Can any one help me

    on partitioning table @ sql server 2000.

    I knew that oracle support partitioning table as follows:


    CREATE TABLE My_table


     Id varchar(15) not null,


    SavingBalace   number(12,3) Default 0 not null


    partition by Ranage(Saving_Balance)


     partition BR_Save_part1 Values Less Than (50000) Tablespace ts_cb_1,

      partition BR_Save_part2 Values Less Than (100000) Tablespace ts_cb_2,

     partition BR_Save_part3 Values Less Than (150000) Tablespace ts_cb_3,

     partition BR_Save_part4 Values Less Than (MAXVALUE) Tablespace ts_cb_5





    Is it possible for sql server 2000?


    ..Better Than Before...

  • Yes, SQL Server 2000 does support Partitioned Tables.  You ceate a seperate table for each partition and add a CHECK contraint for each table which specifies which data will appear on which table.

    You then create a view on the UNION of those tables.  When you insert into the view, SQL Server automatically puts the data into the correct table, based on the CHECK constraint.

    Search on Books Online for 'Creating a Partitioned View' or 'partitioning columns' under the Index search.  You will find detailed explanations on how to set your partitioned tables up.

    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • You might also want to rethink on why you need to partition the table.

    Oracle supports partitioning, so you can chuck the different partitions into different physical files, to distribute the storage across mutiple devices/spindles, for performance and backup reasons. Something mega huge databases need, but something that's not usually needed unless you are a Telco sized company.

    BTW> This question is triplicated at

    Julian Kuiters

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