the standby server -- licence and machine/instance etc.

  • Hi,

    1. we are going to set up a SQL standby server at our DR site. Do we need a SQL licence (SQL server 2005 Standard edition as our production)?

    2. we will spilt our databases on three SQL 2005 boxes but only 5 databases need standby. Is it possible to have one standby SQL 2005 box (and one instance) at DR site for those 5 databases which are on 3 boxes at the primary site?




  • Coming to the very first point of SQL Licence.  Yes, you need licences for the DR site as well.

    Secondly, yes you can have the DR site pointing to one server. It is again totally depeneded on what DR option are you trying to persue.  In case you are using Log shipping that should be fine and in case you are planning for Clustering i am afraid you will not be able to have it.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.



  • Thanks Rookie for replying my post.

    I found "SQLServer2005Licensingv1.1.doc" on microsoft website. it says:

    "When doing failover support, a server is designated as the passive server. The purpose of the passive server is to absorb the data and information held in another server that fails. A passive server does not need a license, provided that the number of processors in the passive server is equal or less than those of the active server. The passive server can take the duties of the active server for 30 days. Afterward, it must be licensed accordingly."

    Database Mirroring and Failover Clustering will be available for Standard and Enterprise Editions. Backup Log Shipping will be available in Workgroup, Standard, and Enterprise Editions."

    ---- I think we may not need a license as we won't run it for reporting purpose, activate it only when the principal is unavailable.

    ---- I am planning to set up "database mirroring", currently reading BOL, trying to find out whethere it's possible running only one SQL server box at DR site.


  • You are correct if its passive you would use the same license - nothing additional needed.

    I believe you could do the mirroring to 1 box, but I would recommend seperate instances to isolate each. The big problem with the instance method is connecting your apps as you would need to specify the instance in the connection string, or use aliasing.

  • Thanks for the recommendation. I will keep in mind when planning.


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