Working on a report off line using the file

  • I would like to work on a report "off-line" at home, making layout changes only. Is there any way I can take the file with me to use as a data source ? If not, are there any other RS-based options that would allow me to do this ?


  • Try this link:

    The assumption is you don't have any special connection needs in your report like store procedures, getting query results for parameters, etc. And you also need to have Visual.Net at your home machine.


  • I don't think so because when you ALTER a stored proc the reporting engine will not reflect the changes in your report without manually recreating the original report so working off you may have to do it over again. BTW my experience is from the most expensive VS2005.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks for this, sorry for tardy response, just got back from Xmas hols so will look into this and see how I go, help much appreciated.

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