Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file - Replication

  • I am trying to run replication between two 2003 servers running SQL 2000

    The db is quite lager 246 GB.

    The snapshot completes successfully but I am getting the following error;

    "Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file" as a Distribution Agent Error and

    "The process could not bulk copy into table BalanceRelatedChange".

    Replication has run previously without errors. I thought it might be a data error so I have run the replication process against the offending tables seperatley and the process completes successfully.

    However I have rerun replcation several times and the same error has ocurred but for different tables, all of which I have been able to run replication against individually.

    The tables that replication errors on are very large, I am not sure if this would cause the problem as I do not have much experience with replication.

    Any ideas?

  • i have come across this on several occasions.

    i tried dropping the article and adding back in before creating a new snapshot, but the problem re-appeared.

    the only method i've found of correcting the issue was to remove the article from the publication. create the snapshot and distribute the snapshot.

    then add the article back in and create a new snapshot (which should be pushed out)


  • Thanks for the reply Mike.


    I have another problem dropping the article. When I go into Publication properties and select Articles the ticks against all the tables are greyed out.


    How did you drop the article?



  • you have to drop any subscriptions to it firts - but enterprise manager won't let you do that through the gui -

    here is the script

    sp_dropsubscription @publication = 'publication'

    ,@article = 'article'

    @subscriber = 'all'


    sp_droparticle @publication = 'publication'

    , @article = 'article'

    then use sp_addarticle and sp_addsubscription (see BOL) to add the article back in and subscribe to it


  • Thanks for all your help Mike.


    The problem turned out to be an issue with our SAN which has now been corrected.

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