Upgrading a Database SQL 2000 to SQL 2005

  • Comments posted here are about the content posted at http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/ssamuel/2987.asp

  • Perfect article..... Simple and easy to understand even for someone like me with little or no idea about SQL

    Good Going Sachin


  • Excellent Article! Step by step details with snapshot that makes it easy for the first time user. Including all the details.

    Keep it up!


  • We carried out an inplace upgrade and the database works fine, BUT, when we run the Surface Area Configurator the database is not found! Any ideas please?



  • Hi Mark,

    Surface area never displays your database. But the services installed on your box. It provides interface for enabling or disabling many Database Engine, Analysis Services, and Reporting Services features. Disabling unused features helps to secure your Microsoft SQL Server installations by reducing the SQL Server surface area.

    Hope I answered your query.



  • Thanks Sachin

    Sorry maybe I did not make myself quite clear. The surface area configurator does not find my sqlserver service, so I am unable to configure the service particularly email notifications.

    How can I get it to find my sqlserver service?



  • Mark,

    On clicking Surface area configuration link, a small window appears with the following links

    1) Surface Area configuration for Service and connections.

    2) Surface Area configuration for features.

    Seems like you clicking only on second link to check for the services.

    You can manage Sql Server 2005 services as well as remote connections from the first link.

    Please let me know incase you have any query or need further clarifications.

    Best Regards





  • Sachin

    No, I can only see my BackupExec service and not my SQL2005 service via option 1!!

    Any ideas?




  • Mark,

    Which Edition of SQL server 2005, you have upgraded to?



  • Hi

    Standard Edition + latest service pack.


  • This article certainly highlights the difficulty of performing quality technology services when basic communications skills are substandard.  This article is a difficult read, not for the technical content, but for the grammatical errors, poor sentence structure and even spelling mistakes.  While the author's technical skills may be adequate, writing such an article to build a reputation, gain clients and impress others may have a very different effect.  Such an article should demonstrate a certain skill level in two areas, technology and communications. This author has one.  We should, and this board should, strive for excellence in both.

  • Nicely written article, gives a fair idea about SQL database upgrade.


    keep it up !!



  • The article is complete and it asissted me in doing the upgrade. I've asked my fellow consultants in my company to consider this article as the best practices for our team.


    Thanks for the hardwork that was necessary to create this article!!



  • Besides Sachin's guide, I'm also reviewing book "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Unleashed" (SAMS pub) for the proper upgrade path, and find the information about Fulltext indexes conflicting.

    While Sachin states Fulltext indexes should be completely removed before upgrading and recreated, the Unleashed text states these are taken care of in both Side-by-Side and In-Place upgrades:

    From page 208 for Side-by_Side: "You might be wondering how the [Copy Database] wizard handles your full-text catalogs. Rest assured, they are imported by default during either a restore, an attach, or via the Copy Database Wizard..."

    From page 217 for In-Place: "...When your upgrade of the database engine is complete, it is recommended that you perform the following on all databases (also recommended for side-by-side migration): -Repopulate your full-text catalogs. (This is automatically done for databases where Full-Text indexing was enabled prior to the upgrade.)..."

    I did not find any reference in the Unleashed text about removing the full-text indexes prior upgrading at all.

    What gives???

    Thanks for your replies. Great article by the way.

    Charlie S.

  • Article is well structured, concise and to the point. It reflects a competency level of an author in this topic. I find it interesting and easy to digest inspite of a fact that the database upgradation has never been my cup of tea.

    I really wonder what would happens to a pre-compiled stored procedures which have been created by a user? Would there be any impact on those stored procedures ?

    Keep writing more stuff (:-



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