Error dialog when attempting to create Database Diagram in Management Studio

  • Here's the error msg I get when I attempt to open the "Database Diagram" folder for this db:

    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

    Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

    Near as I can tell the db owner is the same as for all the dbs in my server (including AdventureWorks) Info in the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box is the same as all the other. Help is not clear on how I can use the "ALTER AUTHORIZATION" statement to handle this.

    One different thing about this db: It was restored from the backup of a SQL Server 2000 db that I developed some years ago.

    Any Idea?



  • If you restored from another location, then the owner may not exist on the new server. Remember - the owner is not just a name, it is also a SID which is unique on all servers. So, John Doe on one server isn't John Doe on another.

    I suggest just running sp_changedbowner for the database giving you the problem. (sp_changedbowner 'sa') This command must be run in the database where you are changing the owner.

    You can run this to find databases not owned by a specific login (in this case SA) and that are also NULL for the owner.

    USE master

    SELECT sd.[name] as [DBName], sl.[name] AS [Owner]

    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases sd

    LEFT OUTER JOIN master.dbo.syslogins sl

    ON sd.sid = sl.sid

    WHERE LOWER(sl.[name]) <> 'sa'

    OR sl.[name] IS NULL


    I'll guess that your database will be returned with NULL as the owner.

  • ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::[dbname] to [owner]

    For Example

    ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::adventureworks to sa

    Check out BOL

  • Thanks SQLBill:

    I applied the following:

    use splint -- "splint" is my errant db name

    exec sp_changedbowner 'sa'

    No change in behavior. Same error msg.

    Should I restart the SQL Server?

    Are Diagrams stored in dtproperties or sysdiagrams?


  • Thanks Jack:

    I applied the following:

    use master

    ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::SPLINT to sa -- "splint" is my errant db name

    No change in behavior. Same error msg.

    "Ckeck out BOL"?


  • Found someone else with this problem here:

    THis post suggests making sure the database compatibility level is set to 9.0 (Sql Server 2005).

    EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel 'database name', '90'

  • Applied:

    EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel 'SPLINT'

    returned '80'

    Ah Hah!


    EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel 'SPLINT', '90'

    That did the trick! Now I'm good to go.

    Figured it had something do with that fact that it's legacy db.

    Many Thanks!

    Happy Holidays



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