Copying Access Database

  • What is the best way to copy access database to SQL Server 2005 as a new database?

  • using MS Access-2003 and the Tools menu to launch Upsizing Wizard, the first page of the wizard offers "use existing" or "create new" db. Later pages ask about table attributes, timestamp fields etc

    Convenient to have the wizard iterate each table but you may want to do some finetuning afterwards. Hence best to copy the .MDB first (eg compress) and create new SS db rather than write into your actual live production db !

    In particular, you may find datatype varchar(255) etc that you want to change, and add/change check constraints, triggers, add sprocs and functions etc

    Previous versions had an external Add-In but this looks like built-in nowadays.


  • Is it not posible from SQL Server side i.e., using any SQL tool or wizard?

    I don't have access database tools installed on my box.

  • I had assumed that you had MS Access [on your PC] so you could do client-side uploads

    - ie all part of MS Access product (or part of Office/Professional suite)

    Yes, it is possible to do DTS (SQL2000) or SSIS (SQL2005) so you could author such packages

    - and would be able to schedule as a SQLAgent job on SQL server-side

    The downside is that if you changed the format of any Access table the process may break

    - the metadata would be discovered at design-time, not run-time

    for example if you changed the name, datatype or ordinal position of the columns things would break.

    if you merely added additional columns the process would still work, but those columns would be ignored

    Are you trying to do a one-off or a recurring [every day/week/month/year] exercise ?

  • this might be of use:


  • I would agree with Jezemine. The SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access allows the most control.

  • Have you tried using the Import wizard from ssms?

  • You will find the following Technet article helpful

    Be warned if you planning on using linked tables, expect a performance hit.
    Are you just migrating an Access Database or an Access Application (with forms, vba, etc)?.

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