Run List of .sql files from a batch file

  • I have a folder which consists of set of .sql files which may be a procedure,table script or any sql script.I need a batch file with server,user,pwd,databse to be given with in the batch file(hard coded) but the .sql files in the folder can be any name.on executing the batch file all the files in the folder must be run on the server specified in the batch file with the error log files created in the folder.



    SET FilePath=C:\MySQLFiles\*.sql

    SET MyServer=NameOfTheServer

    SET MyLogin=LoginName

    SET MyPassword=Password

    SET MyDatabase=DefaultDB

    FOR %%i IN (%FilePath%) DO osql -S%MyServer% -U%MyLogin% -P%MyPassword% -d%MyDatabase% -i%%i -o%%i.log


  • Thanx a lot

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