Login failed for user ''NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON''.


    Hi Everybody,

    i have successfully installed the Reportsever to my local computer sever and i have deployed some to the report server as wel

    But when  i open the browser and type http://localhost/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx i can view the report perfectly

    But again my problem is when i type http://MytestServer/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx

    "MytestServer" is my local server name

    from the browser i can see all my  deployed reports,and when i clicks on a perticular report

    I get  this error  !  "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON " 

    I cant figure out why is that happening  ?

    Any Idea ?

    help me to solve my problem please...


  • Have you tried using SQL Logins in your datasource?

  • was this ever solved? I'm getting the same problem

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