Archiving of tables

  • I have a requirement to archive certain tables from production database to an archival database. And delete those rows from Prod

    It involves a complex relation of tables with RI.

    The archival DB has no RI but some primary identity keys to avoid duplicate inserts. However i would like to design the archival assuming RI is in place.

    Please let me know if you have any suggestions.


  • Apart from the absence of referential integrity (in long form for newbies), are your prod and arch table structures identical? Are you copying across all the data or filtering it out? And what method are you using to do the copy across?



    Experience is a bad teacher whose exams precede its lessons

  • Yes, the prod and arch table structures are similar.

    I am copying across data which would fit certain criteria (one being the date for instance).Not that every table has a date column. But a custom query should yeild me what i need to archive


    I am trying to figure out what to use DTS/bcp etc. Since we have plenty of tables and i dont want to be doing a table to table map for each transfer task (is i use DTS)

    Please let me know your suggestions too..!


  • How else will you do it other than mapping each table? There's not facility for automatically moving tables to an archive.

    Set up a task in DTS for each table, use a proc to get the data and move it.

  • Thanks for the suggestion.

    I had some questions on how to do error handling. I am not very concerned on the inserts into the archival db as its pretty much going to be constraint free.

    But if i hit an error on clean up of the prod tables ; how should my error handling logic be detailed out?


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