Remote hosted SQL server - approach?

  • I have been happily using RS (SQL200) on one of our local servers for some time. However, we have SQL2000 installed on a hosted, managed remote server for some applications we provide.

    We need to report on the data so the obvious decision was to get RS installed on the remote machine so I could design and deploy the necessary reports from here to RS on the hosted server.

    However, for various reasons (that I do not fully understand) the default install of RS does not work on the remote server and the hsoiting company won't install it in anything other than it's default dormat. So our original plan seems to be stuffed.

    What are options here? It was suggested that we could 'replicate' the hosed server data to my 'local' SQL server but that seems to have hit a brick wall too.

    What would I need to do to report using the 'local' RS against the 'remote' data - is this possible?


  • Why not the report services can't be installed in remote servers. They can be done. Only thing is they will have thier databases here in the local database server and other components can be installed in remote server pointing to the report server database.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Thanks for the suggestion - can you expand on that  - I'm not sure what you mean?

  • I meant have the database @ server a and install the report server components and the report server website directories @ server b. I hope i have explained what you need.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • I must be missing something.  Can you ping the remote SQL server from any of your other reporting services servers?  If you can connect to the database from any of the reporting services servers, you can create reports on the reporting services server with a datasource that uses the remote server.  It may be a bit slow depending on the connection, but you can create reports that look at any server you can connect to.


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