Possible to copy data off of SQL backup tape and store on local hard drive?

  • When SQL Server backs up to a tape, is it possible to pull the data off the tape and dump it to the hard drive and then restore from the hard drive instead of the tape?

  • i think on tape it's rar so if you can read the tape as bare files you can do it. look in your tape drive documentation to see if it can be done

  • Yes that can be done if you are using windows native backups move the backup file to disk and then restore from disk.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Can you expand on windows native backups?

    This is different than what SQL Server uses to backup data to a tape directly?

  • We do our SQL backup to disk and then back that up to tape. That makes a restore much easier (and backups as well). You can use SQL backup to back up to disk and then your normal backup scheme to backup those files to tape.


    Carla Hepker
    Documentation: A Shaft of light into a coded world.

  • When i meant by windows native backups i mean that use the ntbackup utility to backup the OS files to the tape so that you can restore them. Veritas backup supports NT backed up files and has better features. Check them if you want more info get back.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • This is what I'd suggest also, particularly if you a decent amount of free space on your local machine. If you do you SQL backups to disk first, you can setup how many you may want to keep and they are easily accessible for quick restores in a pinch. You can then use, NTbackup, Backup Exec, ArcStore or whomever your preferred file backup vendor is to copy your backup files to tape.

    It provides faster restores in the event of an emergency, and also gives you the ability to transfer your data via tape to an off site location for archiving or whatnot.


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  • My suggestion too is the same. Go for disk backup and move the disk backup to tape.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

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