Sub Query Problem

  • I am trying to get one record from the issue_main table when all related log rows are at a status of 3 and the issue_main status is 3.

    This partially works, but if a log has two rows for which one of them has a status of 3 then it is returning the issue main record (which i can understand), but how would i alter this to achieve the above?

    Many thanks in advance...




    WHERE 3 IN (select dbo.issue_log.issue_log_status_id from issue_log

    where dbo.ISSUE_LOG.ISSUE_main_ID = dbo.issue_main.issue_main_id and issue_log.issue_log_status_id = '3') AND (dbo.ISSUE_MAIN.ISSUE_MAIN_STATUS_ID = '3')

  • SELECT distinct im.ISSUE_MAIN_ID, im.ISSUE_REF

    FROM dbo.ISSUE_MAIN As im

    Inner Join

    -- Join derived table that returns rows where all in the group are status 3




      From  issue_log

      Group By issue_log_status_id

      Having Sum(Case When issue_log_status = '3' Then 1 Else 0 End) = Count(*)

    ) dt

      On (dt.issue_log_status_id = im.issue_log_status_id)

  • Thanks for that, but it is returning the exact same records as my initial query i posted?

    Here is the slightly altered version of your posted sql statement to fit my example.  I can see what your trying to get it to do but no difference - any ideas - thanks again....


    SELECT distinct im.ISSUE_MAIN_ID, im.ISSUE_REF

    FROM dbo.ISSUE_MAIN As im

    Inner Join

    -- Join derived table that returns rows where all in the group are status 3



        issue_log_status_id, issue_main_id

      From  issue_log

      Group By issue_log_status_id, issue_main_id

      Having Sum(Case When issue_log_status_ID = '3' Then 1 Else 0 End) = Count(*)

    ) dt

      On (dt.issue_main_id = im.issue_MAIN_id)




  • Sorry, under-caffeinated moment. Didn't clue in that issue_main_id was the joining column. Fix it by grouping on just issue_main_id in the derived table.

    SELECT distinct im.ISSUE_MAIN_ID, im.ISSUE_REF

    FROM dbo.ISSUE_MAIN As im

    Inner Join

    -- Join derived table that returns rows where all in the group are status 3


      Select issue_main_id

      From  issue_log

      Group By issue_main_id

      Having Sum(Case When issue_log_status_ID = '3' Then 1 Else 0 End) = Count(*)

    ) dt

      On (dt.issue_main_id = im.issue_main_id)


  • Your a star!

    Should have spotted that one myself...

    Anyway, thanks again and get yourself a thoroughly deserved coffee!!!



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