Restoring Database--Missing Proc,Tables& columns

  • Hi,

    I took the backup of a database throught EM and restored on the same server. After restoration, what i observed is some procedures,tables and columns are missed in the new database. The application is running on Linux and database connecting to sql server 2000. This is happening for some databases.Any Ideas?

    Thanks in Advance


  • Rama,

    Exactly which tables appear to be missing in the restored databases do they all start with the letters sys?  Are the Linux applications working as expected? 

    To get a really good comparison between databases (assuming you didn't restore over the top of the exisiting databases) try downloading the trial version of SQL Compare from Red-Gate


  • - what was the timegap between the backup and the restore ?

    - have these procs, .. been created/altered during your backup ? (open transaction will be rolledback during recover)



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  • Hai alzdba & Journeyman,

    Those tables are user tables they start with different letters.Linux application is working fine.

    There was no time gap. Just i took the backup and restored the database and exported some data from another database.

    Just now i observed one column is missed

    when trying to insert some data through the application.I am doing disable and enable the table constraints before importing the data.what was the wrong?


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