Help to design report

  • Hi all

    My table has fields Sale, Cost, Date, OrderNumber, Customer, InvoiceNumber, salesperson and it shows daily transactions. Now need to make report for Performance Summary for three months





    Total Sales




    Daily Run Rate




    Avg Order Value




    Total No Of Orders





    Where TotalSales is Sum(Sales), Daily Run Rate is Sum(Sales)/31, No Of Orders Count(OrderNumber), Avg Order Value sum(Sales)/count(order Number)

    I was trying to do make this report with Matrix But not able to show same report.

    it showing me data monthly but not exactly in same format.......and i joined my table with date table so that i can show monthly data.

    I am new user of reporting services so need help …..

    Thanks in advance



  • Based on the layout above, you probably do want to use a matrix for designing this report.  What is your issue with the above?  Is your data coming in summed to the order number?  Also, be aware your formula for Daily Run Rate is Sum(Sales)/31 may be misleading as not all months have 31 days.

  • Sorry , you are right actually i need to calculate working days for dailyrun rate i just wrorte to show that i need to do calculation on every field.

    When i use matrix for my report it not showing same layout means every calculated field in one unique row it showing me all calculated field in a single row.


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