Aggregate on text field

  • I have a query that allows me to aggregate the separate French and English record details (text fields) of a table into one row output like this:

    MAX(CASE LangID WHEN 1 then convert(varchar(8000),dbo.UpdateDetails.UpdateContent) end) as UpdateContent,

      MAX(CASE LangID WHEN 2 then convert(varchar(8000),dbo.UpdateDetails.UpdateContent) end) as UpdateContentFR

    In order to set it up I had to convert the text field to varchar(8000) to avoid the error message:

    Error 279: The text, ntext and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression

    I would like to avoid having to do this so that entries longer than 8000 characters are returned in their entirety.  Is there a way to do this?



  • Do you actually need the entire field to aggregate?  In other words, would 8000 characters be enough to actually know if the various records should be aggregated?  If this premise is true, use a subselect INNER JOIN with the MAX and choose your output that way.  Then you can display the full ntext or image data...


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • In this case I don't need to aggregate on the text field.  The details table that contains UpdateContent has a primary key (UpdateID, LanguageID) and I just need to group on the UpdateID and where LanguageID=1, return the UpdateContent as UpdateContent and where LanguageID=2, return the UpdateContent in a second column called UpdateContentFR.

    Do you have an example of the subselect INNER JOIN that will accomplish this?

  • Here is the full original code for the query:

    SELECT     UpdateSections_1.SectionTitle AS ParentSectionTitle, UpdateSections_1.ID AS ParentSectionID, dbo.UpdateSections.SectionTitle,

                          dbo.UpdateSections.ID AS SectionID, dbo.Updates.ID AS UpdateID, dbo.Updates.PicFile, dbo.Updates.datetimeadded


      MAX(CASE LangID WHEN 1 then  dbo.UpdateDetails.UpdateTitle end) as UpdateTitle,

      MAX(CASE LangID WHEN 1 then convert(varchar(8000),dbo.UpdateDetails.UpdateContent) end) as UpdateContent,

      MAX(CASE LangID WHEN 2 then  dbo.UpdateDetails.UpdateTitle end) as UpdateTitleFR,

      MAX(CASE LangID WHEN 2 then convert(varchar(8000),dbo.UpdateDetails.UpdateContent) end) as UpdateContentFR

    FROM         dbo.UpdateDetails INNER JOIN

                          dbo.Updates ON dbo.UpdateDetails.UpdateID = dbo.Updates.ID INNER JOIN

                          dbo.UpdateSections ON dbo.Updates.SectionID = dbo.UpdateSections.ID INNER JOIN

                          dbo.UpdateSections UpdateSections_1 ON dbo.UpdateSections.ParentSectionID = UpdateSections_1.ID

    GROUP BY UpdateSections_1.SectionTitle, UpdateSections_1.ID, dbo.UpdateSections.SectionTitle, dbo.UpdateSections.ID, dbo.Updates.ID, dbo.Updates.PicFile,


    Any help on this is appreciated.  thanks.

  • Something like this? I suspect you don't need aggregates. If you do, why MAX() of a long character field? This solution assumes (updateID,langID) is unique in updatedetails.


    us_1.SectionTitle ParentSectionTitle


    us_1.ID ParentSectionID




    us.ID SectionID


    u.ID UpdateID









    , ud_FR.UpdateTitle UpdateTitleFR
    , ud_FR.UpdateContent UpdateContentFR

    from dbo.Updates u


    dbo.UpdateSections us

    on u.SectionID = us.ID


    dbo.UpdateSections us_1

    on us.ParentSectionID = us_1.ID


    dbo.UpdateDetails ud_EN

    on ud_EN.UpdateID = u.ID
    and LangID = 1
    join dbo.UpdateDetails ud_FR
    on ud_FR.UpdateID = u.ID
    and LangID = 2

    [Edit: amended mistake in code 10 mins after posting...]


    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

  • Thanks Tim, That works great.

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