Records with lower case in DB

  • How to find only records with the lower case in the field?

  • Vika,

    you don't say if the column you're querying contains jaust a single character or more.

    In case it's just a single character you can use this:

    SELECT * From table1

    where ASCII(col1) between 97 and 122


    If your column contains more than one character you the question is do you need to evaluate all of them or maybe jsut the first one.


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • If you're after more than just the first character, you're going to have to do something with a COLLATE statement.  If you using the default (SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CI_AS), you can do something like...

    where lower(myfield) = myField COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CS_AS

    But please note that this will return empty strings, too, and will not catch things like numbers, commas, etc. in your data.  Are you checking to make sure you have nothing BUT lower case letters in your field?

  • There are no empty strings. All that is needed is to catch cases with lower case letters in the field. Thanks!

  • Didn't work

    Should return a record like s3BBkdLLL if at least one character is lower case. It's a more complex regular expression I guess. It can have upper case letters too but if at least one is lower case, it should be returned.

  • OK never mind

    Just copied all the records into good old VI and find them all

  • You can easily compare binary streams that are the result of the conversion of the original text vs. all-upper-case text.

    SELECT MyCol

    FROM MyTable

    WHERE CONVERT(varbinary(8000), MyCol) CONVERT(varbinary(8000), UPPER(MyCol))

    MyCol is the column you'd be searching.

    MyTable is the table that contains MyCol.


    This WORKS!

  • I want to select a column and append a value to it but I get an error, why?

    select column + " some text to add to result "  as result

  • Can you paste you SQL stamtment here?

  • Try using single quotes

    select column + ' some text ' as result

    from MyTab

    Is column defined as a char or varchar? If not you may need to convert to a character based data type before appending.

    select convert(varchar(100),column) + ' some text ' as result

    from MyTab

  • You were right, it helped!

  • this works in sqlserver 2000 gets records with lower case letters in [name] column






    binary_checksum (name) binary_checksum(upper(name))

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