Setting up SQL 2000 w\ eye on 2005

  • I have a machine (two actually, same situation) coming in this summer that will be a dedicated SQL server.  Dell 6850 quad processors with 8GB of RAM.

    The problem I have is that the applications used against these servers won't authorize SQL2005 yet, so I'm forced to set these up with SQL2000 Enterprise Edition.  From what I see, with SQL 2005, I will be able to get by with Standard Edition and save a considerable amount of licensing fees (even at a University like I am).

    What I am worried about, is something I vaguely remember hearing about at a conference:  That there is a way in SQL2000 to set up to make good use of the 8GB of RAM.  I believe the acronym was 'PAE'.  *But* I believe there were issues with then moving (upgrading the server) to SQL2005.  2005 natively handles the memory, but the setup for PAE will get in the way.  I will want to upgrade these servers to SQL 2005 as soon as I am allowed to.

    Is this really a big deal?  How do you get around this?

    Thanks much, folks.

    -Tom Murphy - University of St. Thomas, STP MN

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  • PAE is a boot.ini switch which will allow the OS to see more than 4GB of RAM. This should not cause a problem to 2005 as it is allowing the OS to see the RAM.

    You maybe thinking of the AWE setting. I do not know the details of AWE on 2005, but you do need Enterprise Edition in SQL2000 which you have.

    You may also consider using the 3GB boot.ini switch which will give the SQL process more RAM to work with (in addition to the data areas set aside by AWE above the 4GB range of memory.)

  • Thanks..

    What you are saying is meshing with what I've seen just through 'googling' the topic:  I need the /3GB switch for more RAM, then AWE for access to the >4GB (given that I have SQL 2K Enterprise).

    The great thing in SQL 2005 is that I don't Enterprise version to get over 4GB access.  I still don't know if that means I don't need AWE on SQL2005...and if having it on SQL2000 creates a problem, but at least I can set up SQL2000 with Win2003Server and get an advantage with this memory.

    My thought was that when my vendors allow, with Server2003 (Standard Edition) and SQL2005(Standard Edition) I will be able to use the 8GB in a 'stock' configuration...and that would be a good thing!


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