Disabling Alerts

  • I would like to know what could be the possible issues if i disable all the alerts(that come in by default) in Sql server.

    This is important since disabling these alerts is improving the performance by a huge amount.

  • The default alerts just provide minimal monitoring, a starting point for more proactive maintenance. If you have something else to monitor your SQL Srvers like MOM 2005 then by all means disable them. However the more disquieting thing is that the small amount of resources that the default alerts use is slowing down your SQL Server seems to indicate that there are other performance issues at work in your situation. Here are a few questions to start with:

    • What is your server configuration ? CPUs, speed, RAM, disks.
    • How is the SQL Server configured ? memory, connections, AWE.
    • How are your databases configured ? autogrow on
    • How large are your database(s) ?
    • How many users are connected ?
    • Is/are the application(s) supported by the SQL Server OLTP or web facing ?


    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • We do not have any other alerts setup.

    The reason we came up to this solution is that whenever there were database timeouts, we'd do a sp_who2 and we can me to know that it was a process running a proc sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counters that was consuming most of the CPU Time. and killing the process did seem to improve performance

    On researching, i found that it can be disabled by setting a value in the registry to 0.

    But before doing that i want to ensure that it will have no adverse effect.

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