Print on the back of a page?

  • Anyone know how to force a print on the back of a page?


  • ?

  • On the last page of the report, I have to print on the back of this page.

    I'm doing MSDN and Google searches w/ no hits!


  • Just one page?  Can you feed the sheet through the printer again, upside down and print the last page?  Just wondering, but why in the world do you have to print just one page double-sided?  Double-sided printing options generally are printer-specific and you'd need to dig into your printer's documentation to get the specifics.

    I'm assuming you're talking about printing a report to a laser printer or something here.  If so, and you have an 80 page report, print pages 1 - 79, then feed page 79 back through upside down and print page 80.  That's probably the easiest way.  If the whole thing needs to be printed double-sided you'll need to look up the options (probably under the printer settings in the settings menu).

  • It's a government report, and the report spec says it has to have a certain string value on the last page's back side.

  • Ahhh I know all about government regs   What is it, "FOUO"?

    For an application that specific you're probably stuck running that page through separately again; unless, again, the whole report is double-sided in which case you can presumably just add an additional page to the end of the report with your string...

  • Thanks Mike!

    yeah...good ol' "OUO"...gotta love it!

    I may get away with just having instruction to turn the page over so it can print regularly, and the user has to turn the last page over.  I just got an email from someone saying that may be an option, and in the past....this way was used.

  • Figured it was "OUO" or "Confidential" or some such   In the Army they let us put it on the front cover and in the header/footer of each page as an alternative, to avoid that particular page-turning problem.  You might check if that's an option for you with this...  of course different departments might have different requirements

    Good luck!

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