Need to Pivot some data

  • Hi to all,

    I have this data:

    S1 S2 Crit

    1 3 9.0

    2 3 8.0

    3 3 7.0

    1 5 1.0

    2 5 2.0

    3 5 3.0

    and I need to make it:

    S2 Crit1 Crit2 Crit3

    3 9.0 8.0 7.0

    5 1.0 2.0 3.0

    Thank you for any help you can provide me.

  • If the number of values for s1 is fixed (in your example - 3) - then you can use the following

    create table #temp (s1 tinyint, s2 tinyint, crit float)

    insert into #temp select 1, 3, 9.0

    insert into #temp select 2, 3, 8.0

    insert into #temp select 3, 3, 7.0

    insert into #temp select 1, 5, 1.0

    insert into #temp select 2, 5, 2.0

    insert into #temp select 3, 5, 3.0

    select s2,

     (select crit from #temp t2 where t2.s2 = t1.s2 and t2.s1 = 1) as Crit1,

     (select crit from #temp t2 where t2.s2 = t1.s2 and t2.s1 = 2) as Crit2,

     (select crit from #temp t2 where t2.s2 = t1.s2 and t2.s1 = 3) as Crit3

    from #temp t1

    group by s2


    I feel the need - the need for speed

    CK Bhatia

  • This posted script from iecdba should do the trick...



  • CK Bhatia - If you feel the need for speed, you should use this query instead:

    select s2,

     sum(case when s1 = 1 then crit else 0 end) as Crit1,

     sum(case when s1 = 2 then crit else 0 end) as Crit2,

     sum(case when s1 = 3 then crit else 0 end) as Crit3

    from #temp t1

    group by s2

    Alberto - If you only need a static pivot, use the query above. If you need a dynamic piovt, these are the references I usually give:

    I've not compared these to the reference Jason posted, but all are generally the same idea.

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

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